Coming Attractions

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Book: Coming Attractions by Robin Jones Gunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Jones Gunn
village after I graduate than go shopping for engagement rings and a wedding dress?”
    “No, there’s nothing wrong with you, Katie. Nothing at all.”
    “But you think I should slow down. Take it one step at a time.”
    “One step at a time is always a good way to go.”
    “Fine.” Katie deleted the text message to Eli. “I’ll talk to Rick first. And now I suppose you’re going to tell me I should
     probably pray about all this.”
    “That’s always a good way to go too.”
    Katie turned her focus back to her textbook while Christy drove. She knew she should pray but she wasn’t quite ready to talk
     to God about all this. Not yet.

    K atie faux studied for the rest of the drive to Carlsbad and the charming beach cottage where Doug and Tracy lived. The distance
     had given Katie time to roll out several of her wavy lines of thought and place them in nice straight rows. At least for the
     time being they appeared to be nice straight thoughts. When her thoughts were stretched out like this, they seemed dormant.
     Asleep. Unable to wiggle around in her imagination.
    Katie felt as if all the zing had gone out of her. It was all too much to think about at the moment.
    Doug met them at the door and wrapped his arms around Christy and then Katie, welcoming them with a warm, bolstering hug.
     Katie had forgotten how wonderful it felt to be on the receiving end of a Doug hug. She felt a smile rising inside her spirit
     as she entered Doug and Tracy’s home. This cottage contained vivid memories of the night Christy and Todd became engaged.
     That was when Katie and Rick reconnected, talking all night and working side by side the next morning to make omelets for
     everyone. The happy feelings of the beginning moments of falling in love were floating in the air as Katie looked around and
     remembered sitting on the couch with Rick, exchanging smiles and feeling the first sprouts after a long winter of hidden hopes.
    Note to self: You might be crazy for thinking about going to Africa. What you have with Rick is all you ever wanted. Remember?
    Tracy stepped into the living room, her heart-shaped face glowing. “It’s so good to see both of you! Thanks for doing this.”
    Baby Daniel was in her arms, shyly tucking his chin and cuddling up to Tracy.
    “He’s huge!” Katie blurted out. “How old is he now?”
    “Almost nine months. Can you believe it? When was the last time you saw him?”
    “I don’t remember, but he was tiny,” Katie said. “He slept most of the time.”
    “Those days are over,” Doug said. “He’s on the go all the time, aren’t you, Danny boy?”
    Blond-haired Daniel turned and looked at Katie and then bashfully curled back up to his mama.
    “I was trying to get him down for a nap,” Tracy said. “But I think he knows something is going on.”
    Christy put out her hands and smiled. In a soft voice she said, “Will you let me hold you? Come here.”
    It took a few minutes, but Daniel decided to warm up to Christy and let her take him from Tracy’s arms.
    “You have a way with kids,” Katie said playfully.
    “She does,” Doug agreed. “Last time she and Todd were here, Daniel wanted her to hold him the whole time. Hey, we’d better
     slide out while we can. All the info is on the kitchen counter. We expect to be back around four.”
    “That’s great,” Christy said. “Have fun. We’ll be fine here.”
    Christy walked into the kitchen with Daniel in her arms and went over to the sink while Doug and Tracy slipped out the front
     door. Katie watched as Christy pointed to a few small items in the windowsill above the sink and talked to Daniel in a low
    “You really are a natural with kids,” Katie said.
    “I learned a lot the year I worked at the orphanage in Switzerland. Little ones just want to feel safe. Isn’t that right,
     Daniel? You remember me, don’t you? Oh, you are so cute. Do you know how cute you are? You definitely have your mama’s

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