The Siege of Kadenburg
weren’t exactly nice or fluffy. Some of them had big teeth that could rip into meat and gnaw bones. Some of them liked the scent of a human and the last time she’d checked, she was a human.
    The air escaped from between her lips as a huge puff of white and with each ragged breath she attempted to draw in, her lungs screamed at her in protest. Why did it feel like she was in Alaska or something?
    The howling was getting closer.
    Her chest was beginning to hurt as she desperately sucked in more air, willing her body and mind to remain calm as she reached for a branch and pulled herself over a fallen tree. She refused to be a frozen treat for any damn wild animal tonight.
    Now that howl sounded angry, or hungry, or fifty other very bad words for something dangerous. Sammy swallowed the lump in her throat, pleading with her body to keep moving forward. She would make it out of here. She still had so much to do before she bit the dust. She made a promise at her parents’ funeral that she’d find their killer and she couldn’t do that if she was dead too.
    Her breathing was labored as she stumbled past more trees, relieved that her shoes finally hit concrete. She was out of the woods! She’d found solid ground!
    Her stomach twisted into knots as she glanced towards the woods again, allowing her eyes to scan the dark, white scenery. She knew someone –or something-was in there.
    Not tonight, she reminded herself as she took a step backwards, nearly tripping over her own feet. She could find her way home now. The trek through the woods had been longer than she’d anticipated, but she was out now and that’s what mattered. If her body could only handle another few moments in the snow…..
    “Hey, are you-”
    Sammy shrieked, whirling around with her fists flying. She was pretty sure she made contact with somebody’s face more than once.
    “Ow! Hey! Stop!”
    Sammy didn’t stop. She was sufficiently freaked out and she flailed her arms towards the man like a crazy person.
    “Get back!” She cried. “Get away from me!”
    “Stop! Stop! STOP!” The male pleaded as he lifted his arms to block her strikes. “Stop it, Miss Calder-I’m trying to help you!”
    He knew her name? Sammy stilled, staring at him with wild eyes. It only took a second to recognize him.
    Oh shit, she thought. It’s the doctor. I just assaulted the doctor!
    He didn’t seem to be angry with her, but she knew there was a good chance he was going to press charges. Great-just great! A deputy beating on a doctor…that wasn’t going to go well in court. She was going to get fired. She would be sent away from this town with the title of doctor beater or something. Aw, hell!
    Doctor Xiong lifted his hand to wipe at the corner of his mouth, observing the bright crimson on his fingertips before he released a low breath.
    “That’s some mean right hook you’ve got there,” he stated, lifting his brown eyes to meet hers. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. What the hell are you doing out here anyway? You’re supposed to be at the hospital.”
    “I could ask you the same thing,” Sammy said in defense. “Why are you out in the middle of a freaking blizzard?”
    Doctor Xiong cocked his head to the side as dark hair fell into his eyes. Wow. He was kind of cute from that angle.
    “I thought I heard a noise,” he replied hesitantly. “I decided to investigate said noise. But you still haven’t answered my question. Why are you out here and not in the hospital?”
    “Did you hear the howling too?” Sammy asked, her arms hugging around herself as her body continued convulsing from the cold. “And I don’t have to answer that. I have rights, you know.”
    Doctor Xiong’s brows furrowed as he studied her, “What?” He asked, and that’s when it sounded again.
    Sammy’s head whipped in the direction of the woods and she took another step backwards. Maybe she would’ve felt safer if she had her

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