thrust her cries were less whimpers of pain and more moans of pleasure. The faster he moved the better she sounded.
George knew only one thing. He couldn't stop. She wrapped her legs tightly around his hips and met every thrust with an arch. Belladonna left trails of kisses along the side of his neck as he pulled her close. Her tight sheath contracted suddenly and took the fire he was feeling and sparked it into an inferno. Quickly he pulled out and spilled himself on her stomach.
The seductive minx had a look of immense satisfaction on her face. George laid down beside her and pulled her into his arms. Her back was against his chest while his hands leisurely explored her front. “Are you alright?” He asked her quietly.
“That was...” Belladonna couldn't come up with a good description. “We need to do that again.”
George laughed. “We need to wait a day. You are going to be sore, the proof of your virginity covers the both of us. You need time to heal.”
Chapter 5
George woke the next morning with Bella tucked closely to his side, still fast asleep. His gaze lingered on her peaceful face. He pulled the blanket that covered them at the hips up to her neck and slipped out of bed.
He went to the wash basin in the r oom and washed the remnants of her virginity from his staff. He moaned in frustration as he hardened again. Once he was cleaned he walked over to his wardrobe and slipped on clothes.
George walked over and bent over to kiss her on the brow. Her head tilted over its own accord and his chaste kiss fell directly on her lips. She explored his mouth gently, making it clear she was no longer asleep.
He laughed as he stood up. “It is early. You are welcome to lay abed as long as wish, Bella.”
She grinned and her eyes held a light of mischief. “Will you be laying abed with me?”
“I am sorry, my Bella, but I have work that has to be done.” George said fondly and walked away before he would be tempted to do otherwise.
Belladonna laid in the bed for a few moments before she forced herself to move. Last night he was right; she was sore. It was a delicious kind of soreness that held more promise than pain.
She slipped on one of her new dresses and made her way downstairs. The kitchens were empty of people, but she found a loaf of bread on the table and took it. She pulled off a small piece as she turned to walk towards her husband's study.
She had just made it into the hall when Carl caught up with her and walked beside her. “Miss Loomcroft...”
She felt her mask of indifference fall into place without even thinking of it. She interrupted her brother-in-law, “Mr. Livery.”
He nodded. “Mrs. Livery. I like the sound of that.” He leaned in closer and she could smell the sour smell of alcohol on his breath. “How was your evening, Mrs. Livery?”
It was a mundane question, but the glint in his eyes and the inflection in his voice sent chills of disgust down her spine. “My husband and I enjoyed our evening.” She said flatly.
Carl licked his lips. “I am sure he did.” He looked at her like he was undressing her in the hall with his eyes.
Belladonna stepped back away from him. “If you'll excuse me, Mr. Livery. I was just going to see my husband.”
Carl waited until she had turned and started to walk. His hand grabbed her arm in a vice like grip. “I sincerely you will always be so...attentive to your husband's needs.”
He let go and she rushed to the study door. Carl laughed at her distress. The Earl was in speaking with George when she stepped thru the door, shutting it firmly behind her.
The Earl leveled an angry stare at her. “George, your wife is in need of some lessons. A woman does not interrupt men when they are conducting business in your study.”
“Belladonna is