Echoes of Justice (DI Matt Turrell Book 2)

Free Echoes of Justice (DI Matt Turrell Book 2) by JJ Franklin

Book: Echoes of Justice (DI Matt Turrell Book 2) by JJ Franklin Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Franklin
go out to the Cotswolds, to one of those historic places, all warm stone and welcoming fires.’
    ‘That does sound rather delicious as well as more civilized. If Ida can arrange it, then I would be delighted to go.’
    Behind Angela’s back, Matt gave Eppie a silent high five.

Chapter 18
    Knowing they had a lot to get through, Matt started the briefing early. ‘Jane, you visited Pamela Wylde. How did you get on?’
    She moved to the front. ‘No luck, I’m afraid. Although I’m sure someone was home as the car was in the driveway. No one would answer the door. Sorry.’
    ‘Don’t be. As you know, I went to see Kathy Wylde. According to her, Pamela Wylde has never recovered from her husband’s murder and has not only become virtually agoraphobic but appears to be suffering from some obsessive-compulsive disorder. Even she has problems gaining entry. I do think it is unlikely that Pamela Wylde would be capable of killing Jonathan James. However, if we do need to see her, Kathy Wylde has agreed to visit with us. Kathy Wylde is an entirely different matter though. She remains affected, of course, by her son’s death, but she, I think, is quite capable of planning and committing murder. At least, murder in this fashion. Also, she informed her daughter-in-law of Jonathan’s death yesterday. I’m sure this was before it became general knowledge. Could you check on when the news came out please, Wendy? There was still a lot of anger there.’
    ‘Surely that is to be expected, sir?’ Grant spoke up from the back.
    Matt noted Grant drawled more than usual, his voice almost slurred, and he made a mental note to keep an eye on him before replying, ‘Yes, to some extent, I agree. But this felt like it hasn’t shifted in two years. Most people begin to let go eventually. Yet Jack Wylde’s death continues to have dire consequences for his family.’
    ‘Being worried about her grandchildren must be adding to how she feels,’ Jane suggested.
    ‘Very likely. I’d like your input on this one, Jane. Could you contact Mrs Wylde senior, with a view to setting up a meeting with Pamela? It would give you a chance to assess both of them.’
    ‘Will do.’
    ‘Grant, any luck?’
    Matt thought it unusual that Grant sat while giving his report. He usually stood. He resolved to talk to the man before the end of the day, to see what was going on.
    ‘Nothing worthwhile on the CCTV, just Jonathan staggering along Pierce Street before disappearing into the alley where he was found. No sign of him before that. Have a couple of contacts from his mobile. No known drug dealers though.’
    ‘Phil Nodding?’
    ‘Not home.’
    ‘Right, it’s important we talk to him. If he was with Jonathan on Sunday night, he could be a valuable witness. Grant, will you and Sam see him later today. Sam, can you catch up with Nick Tyler while Grant is finishing off the other leads? Thanks everybody.’
    Matt returned to his office knowing he needed to get everything ready to report to McRay. Jane followed him in so he went to join her at the coffee table.
    ‘What’s on your mind?’ He hoped the case wasn’t proving too much for her. The doc signed her back for light duties only, but she’d sabotaged his attempts to ease her in gently.
    ‘It’s a bit delicate.’
    ‘I’m happy for you to work less hours, if you need to.’
    She frowned and shook her head. ‘No, I don’t want that.’
    ‘You know I asked you to call me Jane, instead of Fluff.’
    ‘Yes. I did send a memo around. It’s damn difficult though and I couldn’t help wondering why?’
    ‘Someone commented on it – said it sounded like a dog.’
    Matt gave a snort. ‘More like a cat. It wasn’t Grant, was it?’
    ‘No. I just got to thinking, no one else has a nickname around here – so why me?’
    ‘Nicknames are reserved for the best.’
    ‘That’s crap and you know it.’
    ‘Sam gets called Ginger sometimes.’
    ‘Hardly ever.’
    ‘Then there’s

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