‘Not directly one of the team.’
‘Honestly, Fl…Jane, everyone holds you in such high regard. However, if the team aren’t conforming, I’ll talk to them.’
‘Fluff sounds like…well you know.’
‘A bit of fluff?’
‘Has anyone around here ever treated you like that, DC Meadows?’
‘They wouldn’t dare.’
‘No, because they all respect you and what you bring to the team. Everyone, especially me, has missed you like hell.’
‘I’d still like you to have a word. Thanks, Matt.’
Mindful of the numerous memos that crossed his desk regarding respect, he stood. ‘Come on then, let’s do it now.’ Matt led the way to stand in front of the team, wondering what he should say. Everyone was busy and it took a couple of tries for Matt to get their attention.
‘I need to remind you of the memo I sent round a couple of weeks ago regarding a request from Fl…DC Meadows, that we change the way we address her. Perhaps you can tell the team how you would like to be addressed, DC Meadows.’
‘From now on, I’d like to be called Jane or DC Meadows.’
There was silence at first, until Sam called out, ‘You’re serious?’
Noting the shocked faces and disgruntled comments, Matt thought this is how the team would react. ‘Yes, Sam, this is genuine.’
‘But, why? I’ve always thought Fluff was the lucky one. It’s a sort of privilege, isn’t it? I wish I had a nickname. Anything except Ginger, that is.’
‘Would you feel better if everyone had a nickname?’ Matt turned to Jane.
‘Right. No more discussion. We need to honour DC Meadows’ decision. It’s going to be difficult, I know, but we care about her, so we’ll do it. Right?’
Matt looked out at the glum faces, seeing some reluctant nods, and decided to reinforce how serious he was. ‘That’s an order. Although I’m hoping DC Meadows will be patient with us over the next few weeks, while we get used to using her proper name.’
‘Yes, of course, and thanks, I really appreciate it.’
Returning to his office, Matt speculated again on why Fluff, Jane, had suddenly found such displeasure with her nickname.
Chapter 19
Sam could hear the sound of banging as he approached the three-storey Victorian terraced house. Following the noise, he headed for the rear of the building down a narrow entry and turned the corner to walk into a cloud of brick dust. This didn’t seem to bother the burly man wielding a hammer to what looked like the remains of an outside privy. There was no doubt he was in the right place as a white van with the letters ‘Tyler and Son’stood next to the skip in the untidy rear yard.
Sam waved his hand in an attempt to get the man’s attention. There was no way he was going to move in closer, not with that hammer swinging.
‘Hello,’ he said nervously as the man stopped to glare at him.
‘Yes? You from the council? We’ve got all the necessary from you lot.’
‘No. Police.’ Sam opened his warrant card as proof, noticing that the man was immediately wary.
‘What now? Can’t you leave the lad alone?’
Sam was relieved when he put down the hammer and began wiping his hands on his overalls. ‘Just a general enquiry, Mr…?’
‘Tyler. As you lot well know. The lad has learnt his lesson, I’ve seen to that. By the time he’s done a hard day’s work with me, he’s no mind for mischief.’
‘He’s not in any trouble, Mr Tyler. This is just a routine check.’
‘Suppose you’ll be doing these “routine checks” until he’s ninety?’
‘I think that’s unlikely, Mr Tyler. Especially as he seems to be turning his life around, thanks to you.’
Tyler grunted, but seemed pleased that his efforts had been recognised. ‘Left to that daft mother of his, the lad had no chance. Just did what he liked, no routine at all. This is what’s needed, hard work and routine.’
Sam nodded, wishing it were that simple. ‘You may have heard that Jonathan James has
Kim Meeder and Laurie Sacher