Echoes of Justice (DI Matt Turrell Book 2)

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Book: Echoes of Justice (DI Matt Turrell Book 2) by JJ Franklin Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Franklin
died. I just need to have a word with Nick about his death, Mr Tyler.’
    ‘I’d heard. Good riddance to bad rubbish, too. But what’s it got to do with my lad?’
    ‘We’re talking to all of the people who knew Jonathan in the past in an effort to find out how he died.’
    ‘Nick’s nothing to do with him since…well since you know what. I saw to that.’
    ‘I do appreciate that, Mr Tyler, however—’
    ‘Oh, have it your way. He’s upstairs, back bedroom. Don’t you go upsetting him mind. We’ve only got two weeks to finish this job. Time is money.’
    ‘I’m sure it will only take a minute, thanks.’ Sam stepped gingerly over the rubble of bricks to enter the shell of the house. He stood for a moment in the remains of the kitchen, to let his eyes become accustomed to the gloom, before making his way down a hallway to the front. The remains of the stairs were on his left and he climbed up with care, as there were no rails to hold onto. He could hear the juddering of a sander as he moved up and the air was thick with dust. Reaching the top, he could see a well-built young man wielding an industrial-sized sander on the floor of the back bedroom. Just as Sam stood wondering how he was going to get the young man’s attention, Nick twisted the heavy machine around and saw him. Turning off the sander, he removed his mask and stepped forward.
    ‘My dad’s downstairs.’
    ‘I’ve just spoken to your dad, Nick. It’s about Jonathan James.’ Sam watched as Nick’s body slumped.
    ‘It’s never going to go away, is it?’
    ‘Jonathan can’t influence you now, Nick.’
    ‘It was so bloody stupid.’ As if to emphasise, Nick kicked out at the sander, which shuddered under the blow.
    Sam couldn’t help imagining how it would feel to be on the receiving end of a kick like that.
    ‘Mind if I have a fag?’
    Sam nodded his consent and was glad to follow Nick down the stairs to the front door. Outside he took some gulps of clean air as he watched Nick light up. It had only been two years since he’d given up, and the temptation was great to beg a weed from Nick. Nick visibly relaxed as he drew in the drug.
    ‘I haven’t seen Jon since… Felt pissing sick by what we’d done, afterwards, when the booze wore off. Can’t blame everything on him, though. I was there, put my boot in with the others. Feels like it was someone else. Now I’m with Tilly. And, before you ask, yes, she used to go out with Jonathan. She didn’t want anything to do with him afterwards.’
    ‘When did you last see Jonathan James?’
    ‘Not since court. When I came out Dad got me working. Didn’t like it at first – he’s pretty strict. Think he feels bad for buggering off and leaving me and Mum. She’s alright, did her best. Guess I didn’t give her much chance. Took Tilly round the other night, told her she was going to have a grandson.’
    ‘Congratulations. When is the baby due?’
    ‘February. Gives me time to do up the flat.’
    ‘It certainly sounds like you have your life sorted, Nick.’
    ‘I hope so. Can’t take back what I’ve done and I still feel bad about his family. All I can do is make sure my kid grows up different.’
    ‘I’m sure you will. Thanks for talking to me, Nick. All the best with the baby.’ As Sam turned to walk away, he was aware of Mr Tyler standing watching from the front window. Nick Tyler was a lucky lad.

Chapter 20
    The two years had made a difference and Kathy didn’t recognise Harry. In her mind, he would be hard and cold, the past etched on his face. Yet here was a young lad with an honest, open kind of face that easily broke into a smile. He worked with another young man to place the red plush chairs at the round tables. Kathy thought it looked like they were setting up for a wedding, as there was a top table and many flower arrangements waiting on the raised platform.
    The other young man cracked a joke and Harry laughed. Kathy decided this couldn’t be him. Then he looked up,

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