His Primary Desire (New Adult Billionaire BBW Romance)

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Book: His Primary Desire (New Adult Billionaire BBW Romance) by Kylie Jack Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Jack
bemused look on his face. What exactly was so amusing about this situation? Shaking my head in resigned confusion, I continued, “I suppose now is as good a time as any for you to hear this , Mr. Channing,” I blew a piece of hair out of my face and dove right in, “The public still isn’t on board with Bianca. In fact, it’s even worse than before.” I glanced at him quickly before going on, “Your popularity has fallen dramatically after Bianca’s latest gaffe. Many have reported they would vote for the opposing side just so she wouldn’t have the satisfaction of being the First Lady, whether or not they were conservative and were on board with you.”
    Dave stood up and I stepped into his office to hand him the results. He looked through page after page of negative polls before replying , “Wait, what was this question here? The one about Will , without the influence of Bianca?”
    “Right, that was the only positive in all of this,” I replied. “ From the conservative far right to the moderate left , much of the public is in favor of Mr. Channing and his platform. Unfortunately, that also means the only thing standing between Mr. Channing and the White House is… Bianca.”
    I didn’t dare look at Mr. Channing. I couldn’t believe I had just announce d what I did so matter of fact. A s if Mr. Channing’s personal life was any business of mine. Dave stood up and gave a copy of the analysis t o Mr. Channing to loo k over himself. As he looked over the result of the poll he brushed his fingers through his hair with an exasperated sigh. It was a good full minute before he replied and I was nervous of his response. I was hoping this wasn't a case of killing the messenger.
    He finally replied after what seemed like an eternity to me, “ I was hoping it wouldn't come to this , but I suppose we have to deal with it now. ” He shook his head, “I think I have an idea.”  He looked straight at me and then perused me fr om head to toe, “Y es , I think I do have an idea. C ome with me , Amy.” I had no choice but to obey his command and followed quickly behind him down the hall. If he had an idea, I could only hope it was a good one. But what on earth did it have to do with me? His unnerving perusal of my body in Dave’s office worried me just a little bit, but I couldn’t help the heat that flowed up through my core when I realized the look on his face was appreciative of what he saw. I smiled se cretly behind him. I hoped to God this new-fangled idea of his would be fan-freaking-tastic.
    Although, I also hoped it wasn't something to o drastic despite my secret longing for him . The campaign was in serious nee d of damage control after Bianca’s horrible public display s of self-centered immaturity. It all needed to be handled very delicately no matter what he had up his sleeve to save face.
    I followed him into his office an d he shut the door behind me. Mr. Channing stood there looking at me for a good full minute. He had th at annoying smirk on his face again . What exactly was so amusing to him about me ? I wondered if I should be offended. His examination of me was inte nse and I fiddled with my ear lobe; a nervous ha bit I’d had since being mercilessly teased for my weight as a child.  H is highly inappropriate seductive stare was making the fiddling ten times worse than it should have been .
    “ Is there something you wanted to talk to me about? ” I asked hoping to alleviate some of my nervousness. The tension between us was undeniably electrifying . The air buzzed around me with every passing moment. He was taking forever to answer the question, and my nerves frazzled with the delay.
    He finally spoke after what seemed like an eternity under his scrutiny, “ Yes , actually there is something that I want you to do for me. ”  H e took a step closer t o me, reached up and gently brushed the lock of hair covering my eye and tucked it behind the ear I had been nervously rubbing between my

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