His Primary Desire (New Adult Billionaire BBW Romance)

Free His Primary Desire (New Adult Billionaire BBW Romance) by Kylie Jack

Book: His Primary Desire (New Adult Billionaire BBW Romance) by Kylie Jack Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Jack
His Primary Desire
    Kylie Jack
    Copyright 2012 by Kylie Jack
    Kindle Edition
    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Amazon and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents may have been inspired by genuine events but have been written and used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permis sion in writing from Kylie Jack .
    All characters are 18 years of age or older.
    His Primary Desire
    Chapter 1
    The latest poll taken of Mr. Channing’s fiancé was definitely not what I had been hoping for after her promise to tone things down a bit. Apparently, the public truly hated her, and this seriously posed a problem for the squeaky clean “Family Values” campaign of the Republican Presidential Nominee, Will Channing. The public had descr ibed her as fake and abrasive with an egocentric hyper-focus on her own fame. The campaign was quickly spiraling into a nosedive because of the beautiful horrid woman my boss had promised to marry, and my job was going down with it. How was I supposed to tell the hopeful future leader of the Free World that his fiancé was a grade-A bitch and nobody liked her?
    I rubbed my temples with my fingers trying to relieve the tension with a sigh and gathered the motivation to explain the situation to Dave, the campaign manager. Picking up the papers documenting the poll data I would need f or “evidence” to support what had been found , I stood up and walked briskly down the hall.
    Rounding the corner, my sudden pluck of determination quickly fell seeing the gorgeous Will Channing leaning against the doorframe of Dave’s office . I stopped short, and held my breath trying to decide what to do. He looked up and smiled that seduc tive smile that had helped him secure the Republican Nomination. Crap. Turning around and waiting for a better time when he wasn’t hovering nearby wasn’t an option now that he had seen me.
    Remembering I needed to move my feet before I looked any more ridiculous just standing there mid-stride, I lurched forward in an awkward gait. He smirked a little seeing how graceles s I had become, and if I could have died of embarrassment , I would have done so right there on the floor of Will Channing’s campaign headquarters .
    Oh, swe et baby Jesus. K ill me now.
    I felt my face flush red as he gave my curves a once over while waiting for me to approach. I noticed the subtle look of amusement on his face , and realized I had either charmed the man standing there watching me react so awkwar dly to that damned smile of his, or he was just being rude. Awkward and being plus-sized really didn’t mesh well, and I wisely assumed the latter. I’d be fooling myself if it were anything else.
    Stopping just outside the open door at the opposite side of the doorframe he was leaning against, I knocked to alert Dave that I had something important to discuss.
    “Amy,” Dave replied, “What can I do for you?”
    I cleared my throat before speaking, hoping my voice wouldn’t betray my fluttering heart standing so close to Mr. Channing, “The results from the recent poll about Mr. Channing’s fiancé have just been tallied,” I hesitated a moment before continuing , knowing that what I had to say was going to have to be said in front of Will Channing. It was just my luck that I had to deliver the disappointing news with him standing right there.
    “Ok, what did we find out?” Dave asked.
    “Well…” I glanced at Mr. Channing noticing the

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