Queen of Jastain

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Book: Queen of Jastain by Kary Rader Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kary Rader
is. And whether you know it or not, you are the One to restore the Light, just as I am the one to rule. Neither of us asked for these appointments, and yet they fall to us just the same.”
    She stared at him for a long moment, but her thoughts were closed.
    He spoke the truth. Avant's dreams told him he would one day be king. On many occasions, visions of himself in the castle, leading the people of Jastain in a new reign of Light had come to him. The deep-seated knowing of his Gift, as well as the foretelling of others, confirmed this belief, but without the final prophecy there was no way to prove what he knew. No way to overthrow the reign of Darkness. Finding the prophecy was as important as finding the Crown, and to do that, he needed the Chosen One. He needed Abigail.
    He stooped to pick a wildflower and handed it to her. “It is a Queen's Cup lily.”
    Looking up at him through long lashes, she smiled and a faint blush colored her cheeks. A feeling of contentment ran through him like a river flowing across the desert.
    Taking the white flower, she held it to her nose then drew the delicate petals across her cheek. His breath quickened as he found himself wishing it were his lips feathering her skin instead.
    He shook the thought from his mind. “We will speak of Jastainian politics later, but now we are home, at last.”
    * * * *
    Abby let her gaze travel across sprawling fields of grain and pastures where herds of cattle and sheep grazed. Off in the distance, a large slate-stone manor came into view like a picturesque scene from some new Disney movie. She half expected Julie Andrews to break into song. The charcoal color of the large estate house popped against the late summer greenery and crystal blue sky. Sweeping was the word that came to her mind.
    A warm smile lit Avant’s face, and his eyes sparkled. “Welcome to my fief, Domentus Ventium.”
    As they approached the manor, several workers waved to Avant. Still feeling vulnerable after the previous night’s close call, she peered down to the ground, embarrassed by her appearance.
    Avant picked up the pace and she hustled to keep up.
    This whole place was his? Massive and beautiful, the bright fields spanned as far in the distance as she could see. She swept her gaze over him. He must be the catch of the county. “ You were not clear on the size of your farm. It is a bit bigger than I expected.” She smirked accusingly.
    “ My apologies. I do hope you will find it comfortable and welcoming.” He dipped his head with cordial formality.
    “I’m sure I will.” She held the graceful flower to her nose again. Its soft floral scent filled her, and her heart melted like ice cream in the Texas sun.
    They walked the long drive to the mammoth house and entered through a side door. A huge fireplace with built-in structures that held various copper pots and pans dominated the cozy kitchen. A small pig cooked on a spit over the fire, and the smell of slow roasting meat made Abby’s mouth water. A busy, little cook prepared some kind of dough on a long wooden table.
    When she saw Avant, the squat woman's hands paused. “Dominus Avant, ha vetrie il siat.”
    He answered back, allowing Abby into the conversation by speaking into her mind. “Yes, thank you, Helean. It has been a long journey, and we are both in need of a hot meal and a bath as soon as possible.” He gestured toward her. “This is Abigail, a guest who will be staying with us for a while. Please let Master Petra know we have returned.”
    The sturdy woman eyed Abby up and down, her shock evident. She looked back to Avant, curtsied then hastily departed.
    Abby crinkled her forehead. She realized Avant wasn’t just any Joe Shmoe. But a curtsy? Really? To top it off, Avant's eyes twinkled with amusement.
    Leading her upstairs, he showed her the restroom, which was basically a hole covered by a wooden seat. The gaping darkness of the drop resembled the pit of despair, and the smell confirmed the

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