Riven (The Arinthian Line Book 2)

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Book: Riven (The Arinthian Line Book 2) by Sever Bronny Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sever Bronny
slightly. “The Lord of Death is by title an elevated evil, his deeds extolled to allegorical proportions. He is not the first, nor will he be the last. On the whole of history, the subsequent idiom can be said to be veritable: those we dread we hesitate to fathom. Yet we can deduce the Lord of Death is mortal, with mortal failings.” His eyes fell upon Augum. “Let the following stand exemplar: I purport he desires the company of his son.”
    Augum blinked. No way was he going to join his father, if that’s what Krakatos meant.
    On the other hand, what if it would save the world from war?
    Mrs. Stone nodded slowly. “Yes … this I know.”
    “You are as yet quite young, Anna Stone,” said the scarlet-robed man with almond-shaped eyes. “A long time ago in an age long past, while besieging a castle holding his son hostage, Atylla the Mighty thus spoke: ‘Return me mine son and I shall henceforth unburden thy kingdom of mine wrath and leave thy lands to their woe. Relinquish mine boy and I shall free thy common folk to sow seeds of corn and barley, unchain thy taverns so ale may flow, and free ye daughters and sons of thy flesh, for all such are but trivial wisps of smoke in balance to mine heir.
    “ ‘However, should ye durst linger but a day on mine warning, hark! For I shall erelong smite all ye begat with burning blades, carve thy sons and daughters with mine knife, and cut ye to the quick, for I have become the Lord of Death, leveler of castles, executioner of children, and incarnate woe to mine enemies. I have laid waste to every land and slain every creature known, and yet the wretches follow me still, an endless army of the fallen. I beseech thee—heed mine words and return mine flesh, and be the only to walk in peace.’ ”
    “ — I shall not sacrifice my great-grandson!”
    The hair on the back of Augum’s neck rose—who said anything about sacrifice?
    A silence passed before the man with dark citron skin and tattered shawl spoke up. “So be it, the question has been answered.”
    “As Krakatos the Ancient has said,” began the snow-skinned man with the tattooed pate, “your grandson is not the first Lord of Death, nor will he be the last. Many have come before, their stories lost to mortal time. And so thus he travels a path familiar to us, for he is as he is and no other.”
    Mrs. Stone closed her eyes and pinched her nose. “Then my decision is to seek counsel from the Seers in the Kingdom of Ohm.” She swept the line of elders with a determined look. “I am grateful for your wisdom.” She bowed and stepped back.
    Oba Sassone took her place. “Great Elders, Oba see quick change in Ley, want know what Leyans do.”
    Krakatos looked up at fast-moving dark clouds that reflected off his pink lenses. Everyone followed his gaze. “The nebular skies give testament and exhort circumspection. I hereby adduce we seek shelter in Absalon.”
    The millennials glanced at each other.
    “So be it,” said the avocado-skinned woman.
    Oba bowed, as did Thomas and Mrs. Stone. Augum, Bridget, Leera, Sydo and Mya awkwardly did the same.
    The antlered woman stepped forward. “Broken the covenant has been. Penance shall be passed.” She reached out a glowing hand and there was a fierce and sudden wind followed by a teleportation jolt.

    Back in the swaying grove, Augum dragged Leera and Bridget aside. “Just imagine … Krakatos might have been around in the time of my ancestor, Atrius Arinthian! Think of the stories he could tell, the questions we could ask him—maybe he even knows how to defeat Sparkstone—!”
    “Augum, he’s a millennial , and the oldest one at that,” Bridget said. “We can’t just talk to him as we please. Anyway, we’ve got more important things to worry about—you need to ask Mrs. Stone what happened to Attyla and his son, maybe the millennials were giving us some kind of warning there.”
    “I will. I’ve got a whole bunch of questions for her actually.”

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