Island of Mermaids

Free Island of Mermaids by Iris Danbury

Book: Island of Mermaids by Iris Danbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Danbury
Tags: Harlequin Romance 1971
chaperone and Cristo to be sent off to Rome. ’
    After dinner the party sat for a long time on the terrace. Signora E milia and Lawrence chatted quietly together and Althea was reasonably content that Cristo ’ s present visit to the Marchettis was nearly at an end. Living in Rome, he could surely not come here too frequently, although she had heard that he might be over for a week-end here and there.
    The sun sank into the now purple sea and in a short time twilight darkened the sky and the lights of Naples glittered like a handful of jewellery carelessly thrown down on the mountainside.
    Emilia and Lawrence decided to go indoors. It was then that Althea discovered that Carla was missing.
    ‘H as she gone indoors? ’ Althea queried.
    Cristo shook his head. ‘ No. She has not been with us for more than half an hour and you did not notice. That pleases me very much, for it shows that you were content to listen to me when I spoke. ’
    A vague disquiet attacked Althea. ‘ But where has she gone? ’
    ‘ To the Englishman ’ s villa. His home, his castle—so he thinks. ’
    Althea jumped to her feet ‘ But she knows that her mother does not approve. ’
    Cristo caught her hand and detained her before she could move away. ‘ There is no harm in Carla going to visit him. Why do you care? Is it because you are jealous? ’
    ‘ Jealous? Of course I ’ m not jealous. But Carla should not ‘
    ‘ Should not visit him so that he can make love to her? If you are jealous, then I should also be jealous because you think of him and not me. ’
    Althea wrenched her hand away. ‘ I ’ m not thinking of either you or Kent, but Carla. Her mother will be so angry if she finds out and then will probably stop Carla going to Naples for the lessons. ’
    She ran swiftly along the terrace, down the steps and towards the path that led to the Villa Castagna. But soon she had to slow her pace, for the path was rough and in the dark she could scarcely see the stones and boulders.
    Cristo caught her up. ‘ You are foolish, carissima. But if you must go, then I will come with you. ’ He linked her arm firmly in his and she was forced to accept his help, for she could not run away without the risk of a twisted ankle.
    At a point about mid-way between the two villas a clump of chestnut trees overhung the path. Although now isolated from Kent ’ s villa, they had probably at some former time been part of the chestnut grove, from which the Villa Castagna took its name. In the shadow of this small cluster, Cristo suddenly swung Althea towards him in a stifling embrace. His kisses, rained on her lips, her cheeks and neck, were savage in their intensity and she could only strain away from him, gasping for breath. He had pinioned her arms behind her back, but she managed to stamp on one of his feet and in the moment of his involuntary release, she tore herself free.
    At that instant she became aware that two people were only a couple of yards away—Carla and Kent.
    Carla began to giggle. ‘ We would have gone away and pretended not to see you, but you were blocking the path. ’
    Althea was furious. ‘ I came to meet you, to try to —’ she began almost incoherently.
    ‘ Sorry if we interrupted the fond farewells, ’ drawled Kent in his laziest, most cutting tones.
    ‘ I came to bring Carla home, ’ snapped Althea. ‘ However much you may think you ’ re in Signora Marchetti ’ s good graces and favour at the moment, you know perfectly well that she will not tolerate going at night to visit you. ’
    ‘ You seem to have made it very much your business, Althea, ’ Kent said coolly. ‘ Are you putting on a rescuing act? I assure you that ’ s not at all necessary. If you ’ ll excuse me, I ’ ll continue on my way, escorting Carla home, and minding my own business. I ’ ll leave you and Cristo to yours. ’
    ‘ Ciao ,’’ called Carla with a laugh, as she tucked her arm within Kent ’ s.
    Althea watched the pair until they

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