Strictly Business: Hooded Pleasures, Book 1
turned out to be a bonus giving her an excellent place to start training him.
    “Put your hands on the armrest and bend over.” She motioned at the couch. “Remember your safe-word.”
    Alex nodded and assumed the position, bracing himself.
    “Since this is your first time, we’re going to start off slowly.” Kate moved out of sight before pulling out the single fingerless leather glove from under the bag. She tugged it on slowly, making him wait in anticipation. “Enjoy this now—I won’t be as gentle next time.”
    She ran her right hand along the base of his spine and saw him tense up at the cool leather on his bare skin.
    The first slap didn’t catch him unaware but startled him all the same, a grunt escaping as she delivered another one to the other cheek.
    “Don’t even think of counting. We haven’t started yet,” she murmured as she increased the frequency, spanking his now-reddening cheeks with her gloved right hand.
    Kate stopped after ten.
    He hadn’t cried or yelped, hadn’t worded out or turned on her.
    She drew her nails along the inflamed skin, seeing the muscles flex under her touch.
    “Thank you, Mistress.”
    The whisper took her aback. New clients usually didn’t have the wherewithal to speak at this point other than to safe-word out.
    “Don’t thank me yet,” Kate answered as she moved to take the leather paddle out from under her bag. “That was just to warm you up.”
    Alex began to turn to watch but stopped himself, staring straight ahead.
    Good, Kate mentally said. Don’t look or move until I tell you to.
    He might be new to the scene, but he’d done his homework and was putting it to good use.
    She made sure he didn’t see it straight on but instead out of the corner of his eye. It built up more mystery, more tension if the client didn’t see all of what he was about to get.
    “Let’s start with the ten for you questioning me on the phone.”
    He flinched as the leather paddle slapped his bare ass, the skin pinking nicely under her application.
    Kate hummed her appreciation as he said nothing, did nothing other than exhale loudly as the spanking continued.
    Sweat beaded on his forehead as she finished her count.
    “You failed to meet me at the door as requested.” She bent over his back, pushing on his ass with her thighs, letting him feel the garters against his oversensitized skin. “Correct?”
    The answering whisper sent a warm glow through her. “Yes, Mistress.” He didn’t hesitate, didn’t push back.
    “That’s worth at least twenty.” She picked up the riding crop.
    Kate ran the long cane under his chin, lifting his head with a slight pressure. His hair brushed against her face. The leather collar pressed on his skin—not enough to leave a permanent mark, but he’d see the redness in the mirror for a few hours.
    A temporary reminder of how he’d belonged to her, body and soul.
    He arched his back and grunted.
    “Do you agree?”
    “Whatever you want, Mistress.” There was a trace of fear in his voice mixed with acceptance as he settled into his new role.
    “Yes.” She released his head and drew the crop down the center of his spine before putting it aside to pick up the paddle. “Whatever. I. Want.”
    Kate stepped back and viewed her target. She didn’t begin right away, waiting to prolong the anticipation.
    Alex didn’t say anything, waiting for her to start.
    He knew his place in this relationship.
    She nodded her appreciation, even though he couldn’t see it.
    She drew back, relishing the perfect balance of the paddle in her hand.
    It took pacing to deliver so many strokes without breaking the skin or bringing up blisters, the reddening skin needing to cool down between sessions. His body wasn’t used to this, so she went light on him for their first time, angling the paddle to make more of a slap than needed to heighten his reaction, letting the sounds carry him more than the physical pain. Kate broke it up with murmured

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