The Dryad in Her Pool

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Book: The Dryad in Her Pool by Allie Standifer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allie Standifer
explain to this man who would move mountains just to make her smile. “I’m the type that gets sarcastic when I get scared. When I said those things to you originally, I didn’t really even know what I was saying. I only wanted to hurt you the way I thought you hurt me. Stupidity causes more fights than actual anger, at least in my opinion.”
    Reece sat up, the cotton sheet dropping to his trim waist. “What are you saying, Quinn? Speak plainly, please. I want there to be no more mistakes or misunderstandings between us.”
    Swallowing past her fear, Quinn opened her heart to the one man in the world she could openly trust. “You belong to me. You told me that the first night we met, when you were under the influence of Russian tree sap or whatever. You touched me that night too.” She wanted to stop as colour rushed to her cheeks, but she owed Reece the whole truth. “We kissed and then you wanted to…ah…you know…have your dessert.”
    “I wanted to eat your pussy,” Reece said, no trace of embarrassment in his voice as he interpreted her sentence.
    “Yep, that’s it. Anyway,” she rushed past what she considered the most embarrassing, but addictive portion of that evening, “we talked that night. I started falling for you before you even kissed me. The little things we had in common made up the big things we didn’t. I’ve never spent time with a man who could turn me on, make me laugh and engage my brain all in one sitting. You amazed me. Then when you woke up the next morning with no clue who I was or where you were, I kinda pulled a turtle in the shell move.”
    She sat up as well, wanting to finish her explanation face to face though she was finding out that seeing Reece wasn’t necessary when she could read his emotions anytime she wanted.
    Sliding an arm around her shoulders, Reece pulled her into a tight, one-armed embrace. “Do you know I remembered that while I showered earlier? At first none of it made any sense. You were so friendly in my memory, but in what I considered reality, you wanted nothing to do with me. Everything in me screamed that you were meant to be in my life, but I couldn’t get the first image out of my mind. I loved you then—that night, I mean—and I fell in love with you all over again. My heart was meant to be yours and nothing short of you eating small puppies and kittens while alive could possibly change the way I feel.”
    “Oh, that’s just nasty.” The image alone had her stomach flipping with revulsion. “You couldn’t say ‘my feelings will never change’—you just had to add a qualifier, didn’t you?”
    He shrugged. “I’m immortal fae. We always have qualifiers.”
    Something tugged at the end of their connection. Something Reece wanted her to know, but hesitated to bring up. Touching the pale yellow strand, Quinn felt her eyes pop open in shock. “Your spunk is some magical fountain of youth? What the hell, Reece? A few blow jobs here and there and women are begging to suck you off? You’re better than Botox injections any day.”
    Growling low in his throat, Reece tackled Quinn until she rested naked under his hard frame and very erect cock. “Woman, if you’re going to eavesdrop on my thoughts and emotions, you might want to read everything before jumping to conclusions.”
    Huh . Damn it . The man/immortal/sex god might have a point. She’d learnt just enough to get her into trouble, then jumped the gun, so to speak. Feeling the soapbox of justice she’d taken her stand on crumble under her metaphorical feet, Quinn graciously waved a hand for Reece to continue.
    “My magical spurting cock, as you so kindly nicknamed it, is not a fountain of youth for the vain and stupid of your society. The energies we exchange while making love are unique to us alone and are only capable of changing my mate—my true mate—into an immortal dryad. You are that female.”
    Did he have to sound so grumpy about it? Sheesh, she’d only asked a question.

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