The Dryad in Her Pool

Free The Dryad in Her Pool by Allie Standifer

Book: The Dryad in Her Pool by Allie Standifer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allie Standifer
increased as he used his thumb to fuck her ass in the same rhythm he used in her pussy.
    The tension gathered until Reece felt his whole body might explode from the pressure building, then everything went supernova. He lost his grasp on reality as he came. Shooting stream after stream of hot seed inside her fisting pussy became his whole world.
    The release after so much tension had Reece falling over Quinn’s back as his strength finally gave out. Before he allowed himself to fully relax, he pulled his finger from her slick ass and wrapped his arms around her waist. Careful to be gentle, he positioned them both on their sides, his cock still semi-hard inside her as they fought to catch their breath.

Chapter Six
    The room had one moonbeam to lighten the darkness when Quinn finally managed to open her eyes. Afraid to twitch a toe, much less do the full body stretch her muscles ached for, she silently took stock of her surroundings.
    Her muscles were cramped, and Quinn was sore in places she’d never expected. Thanks to Reece’s thorough lovemaking, she doubted she’d walk without looking bowlegged for a few weeks. Never had a lover treated her so… There really were no words to describe the way Reece had focused solely on her.
    If being mated to a dryad was anything like last night, sign her up. Sex had never been soul-encompassing. Somehow she’d felt Reece, and not in the fucked-her-blind kind of way. Each time they came together, some sort of bond would tighten or strengthen between them until she knew his emotions at any given time. Was that normal? Did all bonded dryad couples experience that weird organic link?
    As quickly as her mood lifted, another thought brought her right back down. If she died—no, when she died… hello, still mortal here —what would happen to Reece? Surely the fates weren’t such callous bitches as to let a good male suffer without some type of hope? Maybe he’d find his second mate a few years after she’d died. Yes, she wanted him to mourn at least two years—selfish maybe, but it was the human part of her, so immortals could just suck it.
    “Think any harder over there and I’m afraid I’ll start smelling smoke.” Reece tightened his arm around her waist, drawing her even deeper into his embrace.
    “Reece,” she groaned as her too-dumb-to-know-better, horny body curled against his solid frame. “I won’t be able to close my legs for at least a week. If you have any hope of me walking on my own ever again, you’ll take that monster and point him in another direction.”
    The warmth of his laughter tickled the sensitive back of her neck. Just that quickly, she changed her mind. After all, how important was walking or closing her legs anyway? A little Velcro or packing tape and she’d manage…
    “No,” Reece said when she turned onto her back, ready to take him up on any and all of his offers. “You are too sore. If it wouldn’t mean turning in my male DNA card, I’d confess to being a little sore myself.”
    Instantly, pride inundated her. She’d worn out an immortal’s cock. How cool was that? “Wait, how did you know what I was thinking?”
    Dread suffused her as memories of Reece’s drunken first night ramblings swirled through her mind, along with the sense of closeness they’d developed each time they’d come together.
    “We are bound, Quinn—body, heart and soul.” The blue eyes gazing back at her were sincere, but she still sensed a kernel of fear buried within his confidence.
    “What is it?” Taking a chance, she turned to the bond shared between them and focused on the fear—a tarnished bronze colour easily picked out. Mentally examining the strand, Quinn’s astonishment made her doubt herself for several moments until reality couldn’t be denied anymore.
    Blinking open eyes she hadn’t realised she’d closed, she licked her dry lips before attempting to speak. “Sometimes fear takes on different faces,” she did her best to

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