Wrath Games

Free Wrath Games by B. T. Narro

Book: Wrath Games by B. T. Narro Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. T. Narro
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
tell him that.” I recognized Swenn’s unforgiving tone.
    “I will, sir.” I didn’t recognize the other man.
    I heard the door to his room open, then shut. For a long while after it was silent.
    I stayed on my knees with my ear pressed against the balcony doors. Every now and again I heard the sound of someone pacing, but nothing came of it.
    Over an hour went by before I heard a knock.
    “Come in,” Swenn called. The door closed and footsteps followed.
    “Everyone in the castle knows about Neeko by now, sir, except Quince, his squire, Eona, and Jaymes. I believe word will reach them eventually.”
    I didn’t know Eona, but she had to be close to the king. Perhaps she was his queen.
    “Of course it will.” It was Swenn’s voice. “He’ll understand by the time he hears it. Just make sure Neeko can’t walk through the castle without being bothered. We need him gone as soon as possible to secure the kingdom’s safety. How has he reacted to the confrontations, Henry?”
    It was silent for a while.
    “Then we need more drastic measures.” Swenn spoke with an air of levity.
    “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean, sir.” I was starting to believe it was Swenn’s squire in the room with him and Henry. The voice sounded familiar.
    “There are few tortures worse than the constant threat of being hurt or killed. Once Henry finishes writing his report, I’ll tell you what to do.”
    I silently cursed Swenn. I wanted to walk in there right then and strangle him with py, but revenge would have to wait. What did he mean? Would I actually be in danger or would it just seem that way? I suppose not knowing means I have to treat the danger as real.
    “Hurry, Henry, I have other matters to attend to, and include Shara in that report. She’s going to feel even more threatened than Neeko.”
    Henry whistled. “Yes.”
    Shara…damn him. I felt a sting in my heart as I thought about her suffering.
    The sound of loud knocking startled me at first, until I realized it came from Swenn’s front door again.
    “Urgent news, sir!”
    “Let him in.”
    The door opened then clicked shut. “Kayren is in Norret. She’s at Bedwarm Inn, told the innkeeper she’s visiting Glaine soon!”
    That’s the woman Eizle had mentioned . Two hells, what’s she doing coming here? I couldn’t speculate. Swenn was nearly screaming.
    “Idiot! You announced to anyone nearby that you were entering this room with urgent news. Hells, the king’s quarters stands right next to mine. Now you’ll be rushing out of here! Did you even think about how that would look?”
    “No one’s around.”
    “Don’t speak back to him,” Swenn’s squire warned.
    “Sorry, sir. It was stupid.”
    “I’m taking five ruffs off your salary, but you’ll get fifteen back if you take care of her.”
    From the silence that followed, it was clear what Swenn meant.
    “I’ll leave right away.”
    “Take three with you,” Swenn said. “I want this over with, understand?”
    “I do, sir.”
    “Go. Hurry.”
    The door opened then slammed shut.
    They were leaving to kill Kayren, and it hit me that no one would be there to protect her. Who could I tell?
    Commander Jaymes? He would demand to know where I’d gotten my information. Then why would he trust me after I told him? I was a new recruit who’d just admitted to spying on Swenn. It was a risk I didn’t want to take. I could tell the king, but he would be even less likely to trust me over his own master of coin. He might even bring Swenn into his quarters and confront him. Swenn would lie, then it would be known I could float up to his balcony, my plan for revenge gone with nothing to show for it.
    I would’ve turned to Darri but I couldn’t anymore. He was just as much Swenn’s puppet as the squire.
    Shara. She would believe me.
    I at least had to tell her I would be leaving. No matter what she said, though, I wouldn’t let her come with me. Too dangerous. Damn, I don’t even know where Norret

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