Renee's High School Reunion

Free Renee's High School Reunion by Cheryl Dragon

Book: Renee's High School Reunion by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
lover’s cock fully, knowing every curve and ridge and which ones trigged AJ’s climax. Teasing and tasting AJ for a moment, Jesse squeezed his sac and let go.
    AJ’s strong hand dug into Jesse’s hair. Jesse groaned, sucking and fucking until AJ came deep in Jesse’s throat.
    When AJ slid down Jesse’s body so they could kiss, Jesse smiled. “We’re lucky.” AJ kissed him harder. “Hell, yes.”
    “So few people have what we do. Even if Renee says no, we’re still fine. We’ll get over it. Luckier than most.” Jesse didn’t want AJ to be disappointed. Renee had always been a girl with goals. Settling down might never be her thing.
    “So we’re ready to find her and tell her?” AJ zipped Jesse’s fly.
    Jesse returned the favor on AJ’s pants. “Sure.” AJ grabbed his phone and texted Renee to come and join them. They got a fast text back that she’d be right there. Lying back on the bed, they waited for her. Nothing was going to happen without her now.

    AJ opened the door and Renee walked in and kicked off her heels before she sat on the bed like it was a slumber party. “You guys okay?”
    “We’re good. AJ found out about our time before junior year. He was a bit shocked I was your first.” Jesse shrugged.
    “Oh yeah. I got to be his first girl.” She rolled onto Jesse’s chest. “Didn’t hurt much and the first time weirdness was over with then. Of course, he went running to men. But apparently, he found his way back to liking me in bed.”
    AJ stretched out next to them. “You’re the only girl he ever did.”
    “Oh, that’s sweet. So you two don’t do this three-way thing with other girls?” She leaned over and kissed AJ then did the same to Jesse.
    AJ ran a hand over her curves and took in the view of her pressed to Jesse. Clothed or not, the chemistry still crackled between them.
    “No, just for you. It’s not just sex. It’s you.” AJ didn’t exactly know how to steer the conversation to the emotional side.
    “You two are so sweet. I never would’ve imagined this weekend turning out so great.”

    “You made the reunion wild. Our little group is now the talk of the reunion. I’ll bet it gets in the newsletter.” AJ pinched her firm ass playfully.
    She batted his hand away. “I’m not ashamed of what I do. People are too boring and afraid all the time. I fly planes with hundreds of people’s lives in my hands, and weather that can be unpredictable. If that doesn’t scare me, nothing does. It’s something to enjoy.” She wiggled on Jesse.
    “And you made a stand while getting an award.” AJ tugged her skirt up. Just as he’d suspected: no panties of any kind. “I’m amazed you didn’t moon them.”
    “They don’t deserve it.”
    Jesse tugged her strapless dress down and massaged her breasts.
    AJ took the hint, seduce her first and tell her the truth in the sexual afterglow. He dipped his fingers between her thighs and teased the tender skin.
    Renee spread her legs and inched forward until Jess could satisfy her breast with his mouth. She belonged there, with them. AJ leaned in and ran his tongue along her pussy lips, flicking them until her hips lifted.
    “Your boyfriend is a fucking tease,” Renee said to Jesse.
    Working his tongue into her core, AJ found her wet. He smiled to himself and pressed a thumb to open her.
    Renee eased up onto her knees so he had better access. Immediately, AJ took full advantage, licking her clit and pushing his other thumb to her core and opening her with both, massaging and teasing her from both sides.
    Grinding, Renee pushed back. “Fuck me.”
    “Sorry, babe, you’re not directing right now. Relax. But you’ll get off.” He sucked on her clit until Renee moaned in a constant need.
    Her body quivered between them. AJ nipped at her clit, and her hips snapped to him, insisting on more attention.
    Trailing his tongue along her inner pussy lips, he tormented the opening his thumbs held.
    Renee had only grown wetter. “Like

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