All In: Calling His Bluff (Gambling With Love)

Free All In: Calling His Bluff (Gambling With Love) by Lane Hart

Book: All In: Calling His Bluff (Gambling With Love) by Lane Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lane Hart
    "Remember to say 'Ow' if something I do hurts, and any fucking thing you want when it feels good."
    " Oh God ," she moaned, in response to my fingers moving in and out of her.   
    "You ready?" I asked.
    "Yes. Oh! Oh God yes !" she cried out as she came on my fingers. I didn't let her finish. I grabbed her hips and plunged my cock into her.
    " Oh fuck !" she exclaimed, louder than anything I'd ever heard from her mouth.
    "This okay?" I asked, holding still until I knew she was alright.
    "Yes ... it's … really good. Please don’t stop."
    Thank God , I thought as I started moving in and out of her. I wanted to make her feel so damn good that no other man would ever come close to how I gave it to her. Wait. Where the hell had that possessive thought come from? That wasn't helpful for what we were doing here. I was supposed to make her feel sexy and more confident so she could fuck other men. I didn't want to dwell on how shitty that thought felt. Being in her was too damn good to worry about that now.               
    "You know I've got a lot more cock, baby. You want it?" I asked her, doing my best to push aside the insane jealousy that had just tried to suffocate me.
    "Yes," she said, in almost a sob.
    "You want it harder and faster?" I asked, giving her a taste of both with the next deep thrust.
    "Yes! Fuck me harder, Dylan," she cried out, making me forgot everything else. Tightening my grip on her hips, I picked up the pace and fucked the ever-loving shit out of her.
    " Ohhh ! Oh that feels good! Right there! Yes !" she screamed as she pushed her hips back against me. I could really get used to hearing her cries of pleasure.
    God it felt amazing pounding into her, taking her higher and higher until her insides clenched around my cock, knowing I was the only man who'd ever fucked her like this. Aaron may have taken her virginity, but I was the only one that had ever made her scream in ecstasy.
    "I'm almost … oh … please Dylan!" Jules was right on the edge and desperate to go over. Hell I was too, so I reached down and worked her detonation switch until she exploded around me.
    Her pussy squeezing my dick while she screamed my name in gratitude for getting her there felt incredible. So incredible I couldn't last any longer. With my own growling curse I thrust one last time into her before I collapsed on top of her back, my weight flattening her to her stomach.
    "Damn, Dylan," she said, between gasps. "You were right. That felt so fucking good."
    "Glad I could show you something new," I told her, kissing down her sweaty shoulder and back. I couldn't keep my hands or mouth off of her, even though my lungs begged for more oxygen. "And I'm glad you liked it. Does this mean you'll let me keep fucking you?" I was becoming addicted to being with this woman, and already wanted to take her again. I had no idea that sweet and shy Jules would be such a sexy little wildcat in bed.
    "Uh-huh. Is it always like that? Aaron just stuck it in then came instantly all three times."
    I laughed, even though my first few times were pretty much the same. Then I tried to think about how being with Jules compared to the hundred or so other women I'd been with, the majority of which had been back in high school. I couldn't pick out a single one, they'd all been so similar and unmemorable.                                                                              
    "Was it … was it okay for you?" she asked hesitantly before I could respond, wrongly mistaking my silence as me being dissatisfied.  
    "No, it's not usually like that. Being with you is fucking incredible, Jules. I can't get enough." Hell, who was I kidding? Sex with Jules was easily the best sex of my life.  
    "Hell yes. It was even better than all the times I've imagined fucking you, which has been more often than is appropriate for my best friend's little sister," I

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