that she hadn’t. “No. Let’s go have a look.” Her stomach sank, anticipating the horrors she might find inside, but she knew she couldn’t remain in ignorance.
At first, Taletha breathed easy. The computer was still there and working, as was the sound system. Everything seemed to be neat and orderly. But then she turned around and saw the mirrors. They had also been spray-painted completely black. The floor and the side walls had been marred by splatterings of paint. Every few feet, there were marks where a ladder had been, so whoever had ruined the mirrors could make sure they got every single inch of the glass.
“There doesn’t appear to have been forced entry. Do you know anyone on your staff who might have done this?”
Taletha shook her head. “My former employee, Matt Fairbanks, was very angry when his employment ended, but I made sure he returned his key before he took off, so he has no way to access the studio. Plus, he moved to Europe, so I think that rules him out as a suspect.”
“That means it was probably one of your employees that did this.”
Taletha shook her head. “You’re right, that makes total sense. I just–I just can’t believe that one of my own” Taletha struggled to finish her sentence as tears started welling up in her eyes.
“What the hell happened here?” Morris asked, storming into the studio. “Taletha, are you okay? And why didn’t you call us the second that it happened?”
Adam rushed in on Morris’s heels. “I just can’t believe it. Who would do something like this?” They both rushed up to Taletha and put their arms around her. The moment she felt their hands on her body, she lost all sense of composure, sobs racking her body so deeply that she had to lean against both men for support.
“I’m–I’m–I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she gasped. “I know this isn’t making the report process go any faster.”
The officer pulled a tissue out of his pocket. “Take your time. You’re going through quite a shock, and this is perfectly normal. Officer Parker and I can stay here as long as you need us to. That’s part of our job.”
“I really appreciate it.” Taletha blew her nose. “I just can’t think of a single employee who would do such a thing. The only obvious suspect is someone who doesn’t live in the country anymore.”
“What about Emily?” Adam asked. “She’s not exactly the most scrupulous person at the studio.”
“Come on, Adam, be fair. This studio means a lot to her, and I don’t think she’d want to attack the place where she earns her livelihood. Plus, you’re great and all, but I’m not sure you’re worth vandalizing a building for.”
“Sure, shatter my ego,” Adam said, but then he smiled, ensuring that Taletha knew he was joking. “You’re right. I’m just still pissed off at her. But I should give her a chance to redeem herself before I go accusing her of crimes.”
“But this Emily person has had issues with people at the studio lately?” the officer asked.
“Yes,” Taletha said. “But I really don’t think—like I said, she and I worked our issues out two days ago.”
The officer nodded. “Still, I’m going to follow up with her. I’m going to follow up with all of your employees, actually. Since we don’t have a definitive suspect, we have to consider everyone as the potential vandal.”
“Even us?” Morris asked.
The officer nodded.
“But I’m Taletha’s dance partner! We’ve worked together for five years!”
“Sorry, sir, but that’s the policy. Now, since you’re here, would you like to give a statement?”
“They already have alibis,” Taletha said. “They were with me most of the night.”
“But not all of it?”
“No. As I said earlier, we were, uh, working here until about one o’clock.”
“But you haven’t seen them since then?”
“No, we went our separate ways afterwards.”
“And the studio had not been vandalized when you left?”
“No. But I did
Craig R. Saunders, Craig Saunders