The Devil Made Me Do It

Free The Devil Made Me Do It by Amelia James

Book: The Devil Made Me Do It by Amelia James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amelia James
the way down. That pissed her off.
    “ My favorite dress!” Rachel stood up suddenly and jammed an elbow into his ribs. James staggered back and she ran toward the bedroom. She tried to shut the door, but he pushed past it, spun her around, and shoved her against the wall.
    “ Nice try,” James panted, watching her naked breasts heave. His gaze slid down to the tiny pink lace thong that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. “You’re wet,” he said, running his fingers over it. He ripped it off and watched her juices trickle down her thighs. “Damn woman, you are dripping.”
    Something about having every shred of her clothing ripped off by a man who was still completely dressed made Rachel hotter than she ever imagined. She should protest, shouldn’t she? But then his fingers slid between her hot wet lips and she couldn’t remember why. “Don’t touch me,” she whimpered.
    “ It’s a little late for that.” James grinned. He slid two fingers into her tight pussy and stroked her clit with his thumb.
    Rachel tried to struggle but that felt too good.
    “ I’m gonna make you cum.” He leaned into her, dragging his tongue down her neck.
    That arrogant jerk! Rachel narrowed her eyes at him. “You can try.”
    James laughed and drove his fingers in deeper, curling them forward as his thumb circled her clit.
    Rachel shook her head back and forth. No, no, no, no, no…but the word never got past her lips. “Oh…Oh!” Her entire body shook while James held her up. Heat swept over her and she braced herself against the wall. She hadn’t planned on losing control so easily, and now she had to do something to wipe that smug look off his face.
    James was so proud of himself that he didn’t realize how quickly she darted away from him until she was halfway across the room. Fortunately for him, it was a small room, and he caught up with her when she stopped short against the bar rail. She turned and tried to fight him off as he closed in. “Will you just hold still you little—hey!” He grabbed her flailing arms and spun her around. He pulled off his tie and tied her wrists to the bar rail. “That’s better.” He finally had a good use for that stupid tie. James stepped back and studied her fine ass bent over in front of him, bouncing nicely as she tugged on her bonds. “Much better.”
    “ Oh baby,” he breathed as his hands stroked her silky flesh. “Now you’re gonna get fucked.”
    Rachel twisted around and glared at James over her shoulder as he threw off his jacket and shirt. “Wow.” Dammit did she say that out loud? He looked up and winked at her and she turned away. When she opened her eyes, she noticed a conveniently placed mirror right above the bar. She smiled to herself and watched his pants hit the floor. His cock stood up hard and thick. Oh yeah. She was gonna get fucked.
    James slid his hand between her legs to make sure she was still wet. Nothing to worry about there. Then he slid his cock between her legs. Nice. He thought he heard her moan, but he knew she wouldn’t admit it. He pretended to search for the right spot, stroking and poking here and there, driving himself crazy.
    Now who’s the tease? Rachel thought. She bit her lip, not about to let him think she was enjoying this. But if he didn’t get it in her soon…. “Oh!”
    James found the exact right spot and thrust in hard. He grabbed her hips and yanked her ass back against him as he shoved his cock in harder. Harder, harder, harder, and then stop. Pull out slow…and then shove it in hard. Slow…hard!
    Rachel hung on to the rail and used it to thrust back at him. She wasn’t trying to get away this time. Being bent over like that rubbed her just the right way, and it didn’t take long until she was shaking and sweating, begging him to make her cum.
    “ You’ll cum when I say so.” He pulled out to make his point.
    “ Oh! Please….” Rachel pleaded.
    James couldn’t take much more either. He slid inside

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