Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning

Free Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning by R. W. Weston

Book: Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning by R. W. Weston Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. W. Weston
away from the roads and small farms they saw on their way.
                  "It's time to start learning. You will need to know many things when we get to where we are going, please sit. Tylon you will now need to leave us, please clean up camp and tend to the horses. After that you may retire for the evening, this may take us awhile."
                  Roland and Ty looked at each other puzzled about what was happening. They had been on the move now for just over a month. Maglin seemed to be a different person today. Most of the journey he had kept quiet, all but a few ramblings to himself.  Roland and Ty however were all talk, mostly about the great adventure they were on.  They wondered how they would be received when they returned.
                  Not everybody in town left on such a great adventure.  Ty stood up and walked back to where the horses had been tethered and started preparing them for the night. He took off their saddles and packs and gave them a rub down, and fed them some of the grains they had brought.
                  "Roland, what I'm about to tell you is to be kept secret. You can’t even tell your family or closest friends, even if you believe you can trust them with your life," he said, stern yet respectful.
                  "I swear by my own life, and the life of my father."
                  "Very well then; you must listen and pay close attention to what you are about to hear. Any questions I ask, you must reply quickly and honestly, do you understand?"
                  "I told you before that I am a wizard from the Sovereign Order, have you ever heard of them?"
                  "No sir."
                  "We are the users of White Magic. When the world was created we as a people were lost.  We had many struggles and a difficult time with survival.  The great creator saw this and granted a few people with the gift of magic. The power was pure and elemental, to help with the survival of the people. A few chosen from every race were called together and given this opportunity with a vow to use it only for good.  The power was based on four basic principles.
                  First is Honesty, to be able to control the magic you must be honest at all times, this means to tell the truth as you know it, and to be fair to everyone.  Do not judge people for what they are, but for who they are inside.
                  Second is Integrity, you must have impeccable integrity, so as not to be influenced by the Dark Lord, for he too can control the elements.
                  Third is Charity, you will come to a time in your life when you must give of yourself freely. Helping anybody at any time when they need it.  This may seem like a simple task, but let me warn you now, self-indulgence and pride are the greatest of evils for someone like us.  To give of yourself freely, in the end will allow you to see all that is good.
                  Fourth and foremost is Discipline. Once you learn how to harness the power of the elements to the degree which can be done, it takes great discipline. Both the mind and body must be disciplined so that you don’t take on too much power, and to know when and how to use it.  This is the hardest thing to learn, because if people know who we are they will be tempted to find ways to make us abuse our abilities for their own gain.
                  Remember these words that I have told you this night, for they are what will control your life from this time forth.  Do you have any questions about what you are about to take upon yourself?"
                  "Not at the moment, that is a lot to remember, so when do I start learning?"
                  "Have patience; remember to start disciplining yourself now in self control."
                  The conversation

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