Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)

Free Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) by K. R. Richards

Book: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) by K. R. Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. R. Richards
they had gone to Restormel Castle . It must have been a year ago. They stayed the entire afternoon and made love several times. She smiled wistfully. “I always enjoy Restormel.”
    “Gabriel’s Cook , Mrs. Gaddy, has provided us a wonderful meal. We’ll just enjoy the day together, Wenna.”
    “I plan to .” Wenna smiled at him. She felt a flutter inside when she noted his blue eyes had darkened. At that moment, she realized she still might be in love with Trevan Chynoweth. She smiled again. Wenna felt carefree and light-hearted for the first time in many months. He gave her that devastating grin and she laughed happily.
    Trevan felt relaxed and happy when they arrived at the castle ruins. He tucked a quilt beneath his arm and lifted the large basket from the back of the phaeton. He took his lady’s hand with his free one, entwining his fingers with hers. It felt like old times. Yet, he knew the trouble between them remained, even if it lay beneath the surface. He knew one romantic day at Restormel would not set things completely right. He only hoped it would be a good beginning for their future together.
    Hand in hand , they walked up the hill toward the round castle ruins covered with creepers and ivy. They crossed the earthen bridge that stretched over the now dry moat and entered the castle walls.
    “There’s a nice shady spot over there, shall we have our luncheon?” Trevan asked her as he pointed to one shaded area in particular.
    “Yes!” Wenna beamed at him .
    Trevan sp read out the rug. He helped his lady to sit. When he lowered himself onto the blanket beside her, she was already unloading the basket.
    “Oh my, Mrs. Gaddy provided a veritable feast for us.” Wenna removed several wrapped bundles from the basket.
    “Mrs. Gaddy is a remarkable cook. It’s a wonder Gabriel stays looking so fit.” Trevan unwrapped one bundle and removed a piece of roasted chicken. He took a large bite. “The chicken is delicious!” he said with his mouth full.
    “ Look, Mrs. Gaddy’s cinnamon bread. Oh my, biscuits, jam and clotted cream!” Wenna opened the crock and smiled at Trevan.
    “I might have mentioned to Mrs. Ga ddy you adore her clotted cream.” Trevan winked then grinned at her. “There should be saffron cake in there as well, for I told her you quite fancied it.”
    Wenna removed the saffron cake. She froze when she saw a large black velvet box at the bottom of the basket. She lifted it up and asked, “What is this, Trevan?”
    “It is the Chynoweth Sapphires, Wenna,” he said softly. “I want you to have them, so you know I am serious, when I tell you I still want you to marry me. I want you, and you alone, for my Duchess. If you don’t have an answer for me today, then I can wait. Whenever you decide you will have me, Wenna, we’ll set the date and be married. We’ll get the ring sized to fit you then.”
    It was a tradition for the Chynoweth Sapphires to be given from the Duke, or the ducal heir, to his intended bride upon their engagement. The tradition began it the sixteenth century. In this case, it was the new Duke, giving them to the woman he wanted to be his Duchess. Wenna’s eyes misted. She lifted the lid.
    “Oh Trevan, they are beautiful . I’ve only seen them once or twice when your mother wore them for special occasions,” Wenna exclaimed as she gazed upon the sapphire necklace, earrings, bracelet and ring. She found the fact that he gave them to her today so stirring. She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. This was his way of telling her he truly wanted her to marry him. Her heart constricted. Oh, she did care for Trevan. She was certain she still loved him. Could he truly be the kind of husband she wanted him to be? That was the only question left in her mind.
    “Thank you!” Wenna said softly as her eyes misted again. Wenna was on her knees still, she leaned over intending to kiss Trevan on the cheek.
    As she came toward him, Trevan turned to face her. Her lips

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