Christmas on the Last Frontier (Last Frontier Lodge #1)

Free Christmas on the Last Frontier (Last Frontier Lodge #1) by J.H. Croix

Book: Christmas on the Last Frontier (Last Frontier Lodge #1) by J.H. Croix Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.H. Croix
personally find and destroy the man who hurt her. On the heels of that anger came an intense wave of protectiveness.
    Don cleared his throat. Gage realized he’d gone quiet. He wasn’t concerned the turmoil he felt inside had shown, but he had some manners. He met Don’s eyes again. “That shouldn’t happen to anyone. I’m glad she’s okay. Do you know if they caught whoever did it?”
    Don shrugged. “Far as I know, they haven’t. It’s only been a few months. She moved back about a month ago.”
    Gage nodded slowly. “Well, good thing she’s back. Can’t imagine something like that happening around here.”
    Don shook his head. “Definitely not. You probably didn’t realize it, but you got yourself a hot shot computer programmer getting your website going. Marley’ll do a good job for you,” he said, grinning proudly.
    Gage kept his focus firmly on the present. He knew if he let himself think too much about what Don told him, his mind would go in circles. He shifted the topic off Marley. “Speaking of help, any suggestions on who I could hire here? I’d like to have the lodge open by the holidays. I’m not saying that’s what you’re looking for, but if you want your old job back, it’s yours. I could use any help you’re willing to give.”
    Don’s eyes twinkled. “Well, damn. I wasn’t expecting that. I gotta say, I figured you were up here doing your own thing. I wasn’t so sure you meant to get this place up and running by Christmas.”
    Gage nodded firmly. “I’m starting to wonder if I’m crazy, but that’s what I want. I figure I’d better. I told Marley I hoped to have it open by Christmas and now she tells me she’s posted it online.”
    Don chuckled before his eyes sobered. “I wasn’t looking for work, but of all the jobs I did, I loved working at the lodge the best. I’d be happy to help out. I’m not as young as I used to be, but I’m not too old either. Your grandfather hired me on when I was a skinny, smartass teenager. Tell me when and I’ll be here. Nothing would make Sandy happier than this place being open again. Not to mention, it’ll give me something to do.”
    Gage grinned and stuck his hand out for another shake. “You just made my day. I was about to sit down and go through the list of names I found in Gram’s desk and see if I could figure out if any of her old staff were still around. Having you here to help me figure things out makes me feel like we might be able to pull this off.”
    Don shook his hand vigorously. “We’re gonna make it fun.” His eyes sobered and he glanced around. “I can help with getting the lifts up and going and all the outside stuff, but I’m not your guy for the kitchen and reception.”
    “Any suggestions on who I can call?”
    “I’ll start by asking my daughter. She was tied to her mama’s hip in the kitchen. She might not be up for it, but she can give us some ideas on who would be.”
    Gage nodded firmly. “Perfect. Back to you, when do you want to start?”
    Don shrugged. “Tell me when you need me. I haven’t worked much since Sandy passed away. Odd jobs here and there, but nothing else.”
    “Tomorrow?” Gage asked hopefully.
    Don laughed and stood, putting his baseball cap on as he did. “Tomorrow it is.”
    Gage walked him outside and gave him a brief tour of the work he’d done already on the exterior. Don left with promises to return tomorrow and assess the condition of the slopes. Gage walked down the driveway after Don left and eyed the sign again. He’d put in entirely new posts yesterday and repainted the lettering on the sign. Last Frontier Lodge was legible now. He turned and looked down the hill toward Marley’s cabin, its bright red roof peeking out through the spruce forest.
    The fury he’d tamped down and held in washed over him in a wave. He knew well that life wasn’t fair. He’d learned that lesson time and again. But to think Marley—sweet, sexy, Marley who’d somehow found a way

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