3rd World Products, Book 16

Free 3rd World Products, Book 16 by Ed Howdershelt

Book: 3rd World Products, Book 16 by Ed Howdershelt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ed Howdershelt
    After a moment, she looked up and asked, “Why track me? All I did was ask about something that happened before I was born. What the hell have I gotten into?”  
    I shrugged. “You could have asked about any number of things from way back then that would have rated a visit from the FBI. Since Connie and Will showed up so quickly, they’re probably in some reserve program. Maybe on retainer as instructors, just to keep contacts active and extra money coming in. But I doubt they’d have done any more than file a report to justify time and expenses.”  
    Sipping my drink, I said, “Somebody read their report, though. Somebody who thoroughly examined every name mentioned for links to any current political footballs. They’d have turned up Linda and me. Linda’s retired. Completely retired, I think. I’m also officially retired, but I’m unofficially on tap for a couple of people at 3rd World. If they tried to sniff that trail, they got a noseful of pepper.”  
    Tanya gave me a little grin. “Pepper?”  
    “Yup. Misdirection, fluff, bother, and generous dollops of tail-chasing bullshit. But there’s too much on record outside 3rd World’s control about certain events, and one of them would be Joyce’s new legs.” Leaning slightly toward her, I added in a confidential tone, “They’re very noticeable, you know. Certain people in the government were annoyed with me, ma’am. They prob’ly still don’t like me much.”  
    Tanya ventured, “So you think your name in a report is what made them put a tracker on my car?”  
    “Well, I hate to make this all about me, but can you think of any other reason? A better one?”  
    “No, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one.”  
    I chuckled, “Of course, milady. As you say, milady. Now I’m wondering what else you’ve been up to.”  
    Rolling her eyes, Tanya replied, “Yeah, right. How long are we going to stay here?”  
    Grinning, I said, “We can leave any time you want, ma’am. They already knew I’m involved. Now they know I know they’re involved.”  
    With noticeable irritation, she snapped, “Exactly how is that a good thing?”  
    “Stage magic needs an audience’s rapt attention to achieve the desired effect.”  

Chapter Six  
    Tanya just looked at me for a moment, then shook her head, sighed, and started the car. A few minutes later she parked it again, this time near a block of apartments. She reached for the ignition key, but didn’t turn off the engine as she turned to me and asked, “Why did we come here?”  
    “As opposed to going where else?”  
    “The nursing home. Don’t you need to see the place? Don’t you want to see my Mom?”  
    Trying to look moderately enlightened, I replied, “Ah. No, not yet. First we need to set the stage.”  
    “Do what?”  
    “You’ll see.” I opened my door and said, “Come on.”  
    We got out and she led the way to her apartment. I used a field to sweep the area ahead and found two sound-activated bugs within a yard of the door. Pausing her key-holding hand, I put a finger to my lips, then reached for the nearest bug and dropped it on the concrete.  
    As I stepped on it and ground it to bits, Tanya’s big-eyed expression followed my motions, then followed my hand as I reached to the eave and pulled down another bug. I put it near the remains of the first one and silently gestured the honor of crushing it to her. She shook her head.  
    “The soles in these shoes are paper-thin.”  
    I squashed the bug. Taking the key from her, I opened the door and let my field sweep the place. It found two more bugs; one in the living room and one in the bedroom.  
    Again placing a finger to my lips, I led Tanya to the one behind one of her bookends. Plucking it free, I carried it by its tiny antenna as I led her to the bedroom and plucked another one from behind her night stand.  
    I then went to the kitchen, where I half-filled a glass with water and

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