Maddison, Karly - Time Slip [The Xephon Alliance 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Maddison, Karly - Time Slip [The Xephon Alliance 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Karly Maddison

Book: Maddison, Karly - Time Slip [The Xephon Alliance 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Karly Maddison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karly Maddison
get his boxers off. He laughed. She wanted contact in the deepest sense she could get. Too bad he had an erection now that needed taking care of. He didn’t feel too much guilt to charge forward into what she was offering, even though he suspected it was just a reaction to her situation. Chivalry be damned.

    * * * *

    Kash slipped her invisible clothes off quickly and threw them to the floor. The blue glow of the nightlights made his face look serenely beautiful. She’d had no intention of ever touching him before, but now he remained the only link she had to life and reality. And much more than that. She desired him in a way she had never experienced before.
    She wanted him madly. He threw the boxers he’d been wearing on the floor, and she leaned her naked body against his, soaking up the wonderful warmth of his skin. It reminded her of touching something when her skin was defrosting from anesthesia. She could feel him, but in a dulled way. It made her even hungrier to have him. She kissed his mouth, desperate and filled with longing. Their tongues twined, as she angled her hips against his pelvis. His cock had grown huge now, just like the rest of him. Her hand explored his hardness, rubbed and stroked his length. He shuddered in response to her ministrations. He was delicious to touch, to be near. She curled her nails around the heavy weight of him and rocked her hips suggestively. He groaned against her neck then smothered her pulse points in rapid little kisses.
    She sighed with pleasure as he rolled over her just as she parted her legs. Quickly she slid down the delicious length of his cock before he had time to act. She experienced a small spasm of shock as her pussy adjusted to the size of him. A groan of pleasure escaped his lips. She wished she could talk to him, whisper to him. As if he could hear her wishes, he whispered to her in his own language. She rocked her hips against him, grasping him tightly with her internal muscles. He groaned again, thrusting quickly into her. Hell, she appeared to be sliding back into focus. Her arms seemed to have substance before her own eyes. Delighted, she nipped at his collarbone. He looked up at her and smiled. It made her heart flip wildly.
    “You’re coming back,” he said as he thrust with long, solid strokes. His hands slipped to her breasts, molding them softly, fingers brushing the peaked tips. She shuddered as fire leapt through her. He found her mouth and almost drugged her with a hot, searing kiss that left her breathless before he tore his mouth away reluctantly and slid his lips down her chest. Kash gasped as he bent forward and suckled at her breasts, grazing them with his fangs.
    “I guess you like me more than you think,” he said. “Must be iced over in hell right now.”
    “Oh baby, you have no idea,” she replied. He laughed as he lifted his head from her breasts and nibbled her earlobe, pushing back her hair to expose the flickering pulse in her neck before dropping a kiss there.
    “I heard that, my beauty.”
    “Really?” She blushed. Time to start paying attention to what she said.
    “I’ve been wrong, and I’ve been stupid,” she admitted. “And I might have missed out being with you.”
    “Ahuh… Chitra asked Captain for a chance with you, and that’s when I stepped in.”
    “Why, thank you.” She chuckled. “So I really did get you by default?”
    “Do you doubt that I really want you?”
    Her hands caressed his solid rib cage as she dragged Tinny’s lips back to hers and wound her tongue round his as if that was her answer. He slowed his pelvic thrusting until her thighs trembled with longing. Spirals of heat escalated from deep within her abdomen. He put his long, warm fingers down between their two bodies and rubbed her slowly until she panted his name, begging for release, twisting in his arms.
    He climaxed a second before she joined him with her own release. “Tinny, Tinny, Tinny,” she cried. She’d never

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