Home From Within

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Book: Home From Within by Jennifer McCartney, Lisa Maggiore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer McCartney, Lisa Maggiore
adventure yet.
    “Uh, who’s home at your house?”
    “Depends on the day. Sometimes my brothers, my mom . . . sometimes nobody.”
    Jessica started to pick the cuticles of her nails.
    “Jessica, I’m not bringing you to my house to do anything you don’t wanna do. I’m not that kinda guy.”
    “What kinda guy are you, Paul?”
    He laughed. “I’m not sure how to answer that, but if I like somethin’ I go for it. Like with you.”
    Jessica hid her grin, not really understanding why Paul chose her in the first place.
    “Would you ever take my hat or mittens and make me chase you to get them back?”
    “Well, that’s something I did when I was nine, but if that makes you happy, then sure.”
    The bell rang as they continued to smile at each other on the bleachers.
    “Can I do something?” Paul asked.
    “Kiss you?”
Jessica had never been kissed before, and she did not want Paul to know how bad of a kisser she was going to be. She was hoping to get some practice by kissing her pillows.
    “Don’t you have a girlfriend?” she asked.
    “Yeah, you.”
    “I know you’re with Donna.”
    “Donna? The cheerleader?” Paul laughed out loud. “I’m not with Donna. My buddy Freak Boy is. I did have to help her out one day when this guy kept buggin’ to go out with her. Freak Boy went in rehab and asked me to watch over her in school.”
    Jessica felt relieved and stupid because she completely misread certain events.
    “So you and Donna are not going out?”
    “No,” said Paul shaking his head. “Not my type.”
    Jessica felt one step closer to kissing Paul, but it didn’t feel right to do it outside where everyone could see.
    “Not yet, okay?”
    Paul looked disappointed. “Okay. Are you good with changing our sophomore schedules to show we have study hall last period?”
    Jessica knew this step was taking her out of her father’s grip and placing her into the unknown. While she worried for Paul’s safety, her being in a relationship was a normal part of teenage life. And all she desperately wanted to be was normal.
    “I’ll do it. You’ll have to tell me how when the time comes.”
    Paul grabbed her hand and held it tight as they made their way back to school. “This is gonna be great,” he said.
    Jessica returned the pressure of his grip. Holding on was all she could do.

    C hapter 9
    Before Aunt Lodi returned to Cedar Creek, she took Jessica shopping for some new clothes. Aunt Lodi told her parents that Jessica’s clothing would certainly place her in the ostracized group in school. Her mother put up a fight, stating Jessica never said a word about being made fun of, but her father said he saw her point. Jessica’s eyes widened, and her hands balled up as her nostrils flared. She wondered why it took her father this long to let her go.
    As Jessica sat in the car waiting for Aunt Lodi, her father handed her a list of don’ts. Once again, makeup was on the list.
So much for “letting go,”
Jessica thought.
    “Be honest. You’ve been sneaking out clothes,” Aunt Lodi said as they drove away.
    Jessica didn’t want to lie. “Yes. I change at Marilee’s. She and Julie do my laundry and give me clean clothes and shoes to wear.”
    “Honey, I understand. I would be doing the same thing. Crazy, sending you to school looking like a boy. These should be some of the best years of your life.”
    That statement made Jessica feel much better about her choice to change her schedule. Aunt Lodi was right. This is the time to be young and adventurous.
    “Will you be here when Dad talks to me about the family tree?”
    “I wish I could, but I need to get back to the reservation. I need to help plan our planting celebration.” Aunt Lodi looked over at Jessica. “But that’s his story to tell.”
    “And you have your own?”
    “Of course, silly. We all have our own stories. You have a story too.”
    Jessica never thought of it like that. She didn’t think she

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