Kenzie (More Worlds Beyond Book 3)

Free Kenzie (More Worlds Beyond Book 3) by Malary Christine

Book: Kenzie (More Worlds Beyond Book 3) by Malary Christine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Malary Christine
just seeing his
cock there.   They were nowhere near
finished.   He leaned down and kissed her
ear.   “I hope you’re not finished as I am
just getting started.   Did I tell you
that I missed you?”  
         She could hear the smile in his
voice.   Nobody could make her feel the
way Tolan did.   She loved everything
about him, even how dominate he acted in the bedroom.   Actually, she really loved his
dominance.   Who would have ever of
thought?   She looked back over her
shoulder and locked eyes with him.   “I
missed you to.”   He started moving his hips
again as they worshiped each other’s bodies for several more hours.
        Later while lying in bed, Tolan kissed her
cheek.   “I need to relieve Dar in the
control room.”   He had enjoyed his time
with her and didn’t want it to end.   “I need to eat first, let’s get ready and
have third meal.”  
         She hated that he had to work, but she
understood.   When he suggested third
meal, her stomach voiced its opinion with a growl.   “Sounds like a good idea.”   She said as she jumped up to get dressed.   She could feel the soreness in her lower area
and new she would need to soak tonight.
         As they made their way to the Galley, they
found everyone else already there eating.   Tolan leaned down and told her he would sit with Dar and Cedrick and for
me to join my family.   She knew he was
right and they needed time with her as well, but it hurt a little that he didn’t want to sit with her.   She knew she was falling in love with him, and she prayed he felt the
         She sat down between Adriana and Jaylynn,
while her parents sat across the table from her.   Her mom kept staring at her until finally she couldn’t take it anymore.   “What’s wrong?”  
         Tears came to her mother’s eyes and Kenzie
felt bad for not making more of an effort to reassure her.   “I’m just glad you’re back honey.   I worried about you every day, even when I
found out you were with the Kasei.   They
assured me they were good men, but I still worried something bad would happen
to you.   After losing Adriana for so
long, I just don’t think I could take it again.”   Tears fell from her eyes and her father put
his arms around her for comfort.
         “Ah mom, I’m sorry.   You know how I am when I get scared, I’m irrational.   When
I ran from those yellow men, I ran through a door and hid.   I didn’t even think about where I was at, I
only worried about them being outside waiting on me.”
         “You promise that nothing bad happened to
you?”   There was no way in hell she would
tell her mom of the incident with Orian .  
         “Yes mom, I promise I’m fine.   Vat and his men were gentlemen .   They offered me food and didn’t even know who I was, what I was, or where I came from.   It was funny being able to understand them
when they didn’t know I could.   They talked freely in front of me.”   She smiled then, truly smiled and I felt
better about lying to her.   They all ate
their food while talking about everything.   It made her think of Sunday dinners as the whole family was there.
         Later that night she found herself in the
common room.   It looked like a living
room, only bigger.   Tolan was still
working, but a short time later Dar found her sitting there.   “Hi Kenzie, how are you?”   He took a seat across from her.
         “I’m good Dar.   What have you been up to?”   He grinned as he pulled out a bag.
got you something from the space station.”   He said with eagerness in his voice.   He opened the bag and pulled out a bottle that looked like Tequila.   Her eyes lit up.
         “ Tila !   You found some Tila ?”   She asked as he retrieved two glasses.
         “Yes I did.   When I heard you liked it, I picked some up
before we left.   We don’t have this very
         “Thank you

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