
Free Scandalicious by Allison Hobbs

Book: Scandalicious by Allison Hobbs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allison Hobbs
calm. Mimicking the behavior of the better-trained subs, she lowered her head, fixing her eyes on the floor.
    “Look at me, girl!” Madam spoke sharply. “I didn’t give you permission to turn your eyes away from me.”
    Melanee’s head shot up obediently. She forced herself to gaze into Madam’s dark and contemptuous eyes. Melanee caught a whiff of her perfume; Madam not only looked like money, she even smelled expensive.
    “What’s your specialty—fellatio or eating cunt,” Madam said bluntly.
    “Both. I do both,” Melanee answered quickly, cutting a nervous eye at Colden.
    “Which…is…your…specialty?” Madam spoke through gritted teeth, putting space between each word.
    “Fellatio!” Melanee exclaimed. She could tell that Madam had a quick temper. The last thing she wanted was to be on the woman’s bad side.
    Melanee hadn’t noticed the large vintage bell that sat atop a table until Madam extended a long and graceful arm to retrieve it. With a slight and mysterious smile on her lips, Madam rang the bell.
    The butler appeared almost instantly. “Madam?” he said with a slight head bow.
    “This girl is going to entertain us with a demonstration. We’re all eager to view her talent.”
    “I understand, Madam.” The butler wore a somber expression. With a theatrical flourish, he began to unzip his pants. He palmed his flaccid penis, which he tenderly stroked until it swelled to an enormous size. The butler turned slowly, presenting each dominant guest with a showing of his massive erection.
    When a great riot of applause erupted from dominant guests, a flattered smile formed on the butler’s face. The leashed and collared subs were appropriately still and silent, showing no sign of being impressed by the butler’s significantly enlarged penis.
    At Colden’s command, Melanee had licked lots of pussy, but she’d never been ordered to administer a blow job to any man other than Colden. She glanced at Colden questioningly.
    Colden waved his hand, gesturing his permission. Though his expression was stoic, a glimmer of warmth and pride was reflected in his eyes.
    Encouraged by the promise of the reward she’d receive later, Melanee kneeled before the butler and drew his sizeable dick into her mouth, lathing it with her tongue, sucking as though it held the same sweetness as Colden’s magnificent dick.


    T he way his salary had been hacked, he only made a fraction of what he used to earn. Chevonne headed the Department of Tourism for the City of Philadelphia, and her salary put Lincoln’s to shame. After his numerous pay cuts, she was responsible for the lion’s share of the household bills.
    Though he could barely cover his portion of the family’s living expenses, Lincoln had thought about it long and hard, and had come to a decision. He couldn’t stay under the same roof as Chevonne. Nor could he walk away from his children.
    Sitting up in bed, her back pressed against the headboard, Chevonne stared at the monitor of her laptop and tapped the keys. As a department head, her responsibilities were tremendous. It wasn’t unusual for her to bring work home. But after the discovery of her adulterous affair, Lincoln wondered if she’d been using the pretext of work to exchange sex messages with her illicit lover. He didn’t put anything past her sneaky ass.
    It incensed him that Chevonne had lain in bed beside him night after night, pretending to work, while possibly sending explicit pictures and emails to her secret paramour.
    Lincoln recalled how badly he’d craved her body, forcing himself to try to focus on TV while waiting for her to finish whatever she was working on. But most nights, after she’d shut down her laptop, she would also shut her legs. Claiming to have cramps or a headache. Plenty of excuses and hardly any pleasure.
    All too often, she’d turned her back toward Lincoln, denyinghim, leaving him no choice but to jack off as she lay sleeping beside him.
    Every now

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