Keep Calm and Kill Your Wife

Free Keep Calm and Kill Your Wife by Lucky Stevens

Book: Keep Calm and Kill Your Wife by Lucky Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucky Stevens
himself. Then his lips curled up in a sheepish yet amused smile. I’m going to miss her .

    H ART HAD JUST OPENED her door, let her in and was walking toward his side of the car. As she watched him, she had to smile. This vacation was just what she needed. She felt so relaxed. It seemed like a dream. It made her feel like she could do anything, even get pregnant now. The key was to just let it happen. It would take as long as it would take. One month, two months, ten—what difference did it make? In the long run they would have their baby. She and Hart. The key was to enjoy. Enjoy it all. Life’s up and downs. And Hart, he had been so wonderful lately. Imagine when I’m pregnant, she thought. He’s going to treat me like a queen.
    Summer reached over and unlocked Hart’s door just before he flung it open.
    “Ahh, your timing’s impeccable, Summer,” he said.
    “Well, so is yours.”
    “What do you mean?” Hart started the car and began driving down the gravelly driveway.
    “Don’t you remember all those guys who wanted to marry me? You got me just in time,” she said with a playful smile.
    “Well, you’re the lucky one. I saved you.”
    “Nothing but a bunch of horse-faced losers.”
    Summer laughed. “They were good looking guys and nice.”
    “Now it’s my turn to say, ‘ Please ’. And those names. Larry Break.”
    “You could have ended up Mrs. Summer Break. Oh, and don’t forget Percy Vacation. You could have been named Summer Vacation.”
    “Shut up,” Summer laughed.
    “It’s embarrassing. And don’t forget about Roger Picnic.”
    “And Mortimer School,” she added. “And Jerry Camp. He was crazy about me.”
    “Ooh, that Jerry Camp. I hated that guy. Summer Camp . Yeah I really saved your ass,” Hart chuckled.
    Summer laughed, then scoffed. “Saved me? Hey, you’re lucky my dad even let me marry you at all.”
    “Yeah, he hated me.”
    “Well, I don’t know if I’d say hate . But I guess he wasn’t too crazy about you. Probably the way you always told him he had no dramatic flair.”
    “Yeah, he was pretty touchy.”
    “And a keen judge of character.”
    Hart flashed her a look that made her laugh.
    The tires screeched as they went around a curve.
    “Hart, please slow down. It’s beautiful up here. Let’s enjoy the scenery.”
    Hart let up on the gas and they both looked out the window in silence for a moment.
    “You know I really miss him,” she said, breaking the silence.
    “My dad. And my mom. Everybody. I guess that’s why I really want a family of my own. None of mine is really left.”
    “What about your cousin, what’s-her-name?”
    “Brandy? We’re not very close.”
    Hart patted her leg. “I’m sure everything’s going to work out fine.”
    “Thanks.” Summer smiled.
    Hart lowered the windows. “There’s Huncke’s up ahead. I gotta get gas.”
    He took his right hand off the steering wheel and clenched and unclenched it a few times.
    “Oh, I’m sorry,” said Summer. “Do you want me to drive, Honey? You’re on vacation. You shouldn’t have to drive.”
    “I’m fine, Sweetie.”
    Hart would have loved to turn the wheel over to someone else for awhile. And if all went well at the bridge in a few days, he’d never have to drive again—at least not professionally. Which reminded him: “What’s going on with your flying lessons?”
    “Oh, I booked some time on Thursday up in Apple Grove.”
    Hart glanced at her. He was starting to feel anxious. Thursday. Two days from now. By Friday he’d be free.

    H ART PULLED INTO HUNCKE’S, adjacent to one of the pump islands and walked toward the register inside the mini-mart.
    “Morning.” It was Whitman, the man Hart had met earlier when he had first arrived in town to grab some snacks and groceries.
    “Hey,” said Hart, gesturing upward with his chin. “Fill-up on number, uhh...” Hart looked over his shoulder and then moved toward the

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