Dogs of War Episode 5

Free Dogs of War Episode 5 by Monica Rossi

Book: Dogs of War Episode 5 by Monica Rossi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Rossi
between her lips as he explored and tasted her.
    She felt the energy building. Not the fiery flashes that had happened before but a slow simmer that made her whole body feel electric, matching the desire that was also rising within her.
    This wasn’t right, her mind screamed inside her as Demon drew her even closer, holding her body in his strong arms. What about Red? Her mind asked. But her body didn’t care about morals, or boundaries, or anything else. Her body wanted this man, and it was more than apparent that he wanted her too.
    His hand slipped up the back of her shirt and she felt him undoing the clasp of her bra. She should stop him. They were in public, this was moving too fast, she was Red’s, she didn’t even like Demon, and there were about a hundred other reasons she should stop, but she didn’t. She felt the trail of fire as it moved with his hand, down her back, around her side, and up her belly, until he finally pushed bra aside, cupping her breast, his thumb playing over the nipple.
    She moaned against his him, all fears and questions flying out the window, her body was ready and her brain was just going to have to get with the program. Sidney’s hands found him, hard and ready under his jeans and she rubbed the length of him, hoping he felt the same need that was exploding in her. A deep guttural noise came from him as she teased him through his clothes with her fingers, the sound making her even bolder. She pushed him down on the ground and straddled him, enjoying the feel of him between her legs.
    His hands came up and under her shirt to hold her breast and tease her nipples as she ground against him, his eyes on her watching her movement with appreciation. She was almost ready to explode and neither of them had shed any clothes.
    Thoughts of how far she should take it in such a public place had long since been left behind, all that was left was need. Her hands came down to his waist to unbutton his pants, all her inhibitions pushed away, ready to feel him move inside her, ready to get lost as the strange energy surged through them as they joined.
    His eyes watched her hands as they worked at the button and it finally slipped free. She could see that he was as anxious, as needy, as she was. She started pulling down the zipper, sure she was going to burst with anticipations… and the phone rang.
    They both froze. She could feel the phone in his pocket, vibrating against her thigh.
    “Goddamnit. Ignore it,” Demon swore, sitting up to hold her tighter, trying to capture her lips with his again.
    But she pushed him away. The sound had broken her out of whatever spell she’d been under, brought her back to reality.
    “No, you should get it, it might be important,” she swung herself off of him and began straightening her clothes, mortified that she’d let things go that far. In a public park.
    Dear God there could be children around.  She put her forehead in the palm of her hand, unable to believe what had just happened. She could feel Demon’s eyes on her but she didn’t care. His phone stopped ringing.
    “Sidney, listen – “
    “Stop, Demon we don’t need to ever –“ she was cut off by his phone ringing yet again. “I guess someone really wants to talk to you.”
    He pulled the phone out of his pocket and looked at the display, she noticed that he still had a very noticeable hard on underneath his pants and she flushed an even deeper. There was no way she was ever going to be able to explain this to Red, or to herself.
    “What the fuck do you want?” His tone told whoever was on the other end of the line exactly how annoyed he was at having gotten their call.
    Desperate to do something so she wouldn’t just sit there agonizing on what had almost happened she began to clear away the plates and utensils off the blanket, pouring out unfinished mead, collecting the trash, and packing it away as best she could as Demon silently listened to whoever was on the phone.
    “Are you fucking

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