
Free Raw by Jo Davis

Book: Raw by Jo Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jo Davis
poor man like a drill sergeant. To his credit, Gray answered her multitude of questions easily, not appearing bothered in the least. It was a relief to see them getting along so well.
    After talking a bit more, her mother freshened up and changed for dinner. Then they headed down to the street, where Gray had ordered them a cab. He insisted there was no way he was making Margaret walk five blocks when she was dressed so beautifully.
    Pleased, her mother leaned over at the first moment Anna’s lover’s attention was elsewhere and whispered, “He’s a keeper.”
    She couldn’t agree more.
    Dinner was a lush affair, her staff pulling out all the stops to make sure they all received the royal treatment, though Gray’s presence did garner some envious glances. She had reserved their best table and ordered a rare bottle of wine, and they dined on the most delicious meals Ethan had ever created. He’d outdone himself.
    A couple of times Anna saw Gray’s attention stray as he looked toward the kitchen, but she figured he was thinking of work, probably relieved to be free of Ethan for the night, and soon forgot about it.
    â€œThis is wonderful,” her mother enthused, waving her fork at the sea bass on her plate. “What is in this delicious sauce?”
    Anna started to answer, but looked to her lover instead. “Gray can answer that even better than I can, since he’s working side by side with Ethan. Does he use white wine or just cream and butter?”
    She couldn’t be certain in the dim lighting, but she could’ve sworn his face paled. He blinked at her for a couple of seconds before answering.
    â€œCream and butter.”
    â€œReally?” Her mother frowned at her plate. “I thought I tasted a hint of white wine. And is that a hint of oregano?”
    â€œOh, there’s a touch of both, I’m sure.” He stood. “Will you excuse me, ladies? I need to hit the facility.”
    â€œHow odd,” Margaret remarked as he strode away. “Why did he seem so nervous?”
    â€œI’m not sure.” A strange disquiet settled over her, but she managed to shake it off. She was so caught up in the fun of the evening and talking with her mother, she wasn’t sure how long Gray had been gone when he returned.
    â€œYou seem quite fond of my daughter,” Margaret said bluntly after they’d eaten.
    Gray’s gaze dropped to his plate, and a small smile graced his lips. “Anna is a wonderful woman, and I’m so thankful she came into my life.”
    Margaret nodded and fell quiet.
    All in all, the evening was a success. They wound down over dessert and coffee, and finally her mother started to wilt.
    â€œI’m so sorry. I’m afraid packing, traveling, and the fantastic meal have caught up with me.” She smiled at her daughter. “But I want to say you’ve done well for yourself, baby. I’m proud of you.”
    Margaret meant what she said, always. Nothing her mother had ever told her meant as much as those words did at that exact moment. Finally, her mother
it. She’d seen Anna’s world and appreciated it. Even though this orbit wasn’t her own, wasn’t the safe nine-to-five career path she would’ve chosen, she was proud of Anna.
    It was with a profound sense of satisfaction that Anna got into the cab with Gray and her mother to return home. Anna let her mother inside, then said, “I’ll just be a minute.” She shut the door again and walked Gray to his apartment. At his door, Gray kissed her.
    â€œCome over, after she’s asleep?”
    â€œI will,” she said, grinning. “But just for a while.”
    â€œSee you later,” he whispered.
    Anna went back and kicked off her shoes, eyeing her mother. She was surprised to see the other woman hadn’t gone to bed yet.
    â€œSo, what do you think about Gray? Do you like him?”
    â€œHe’s a very

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