Training Rain

Free Training Rain by A. S. Fenichel

Book: Training Rain by A. S. Fenichel Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. S. Fenichel
arms around her and turned them carefully until Rain was on her
back and he covered her with his cock still buried deep inside. Her dark eyes
stared up at him hauntingly as he slid back and forward. His mouth covered
hers, their tongues imitating the rhythm of their lovemaking.
    She wrapped her legs around his hips and her pace quickened
frantically. He’d wanted to make it last longer but as she broke the kiss and
screamed, her body contracted around his shaft, milking his orgasm. He grunted,
thrusting hard once, twice and one last time while her nails bit into the skin
of his shoulders.
    He pressed his forehead to hers, neither one moving for a
long moment. His body quivered several times in the aftermath of possibly the
most powerful orgasm of his life. Pressing his lips to her warm skin and then a
slow kiss on her lips, he rolled off the bed.
    Rain pulled the blanket over herself and snuggled in as he
headed to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. His reflection in the small,
dingy mirror caught his eye. He leaned against the old-style pedestal sink and
the eyes that stared back at him were strangely hopeful. “What’s gotten into
    He knew the answer. Shaking his head, he turned on the cold water
and splashed a handful in his face. The shock of cold did nothing to cool his
desire from rising again at the thought of the woman in the next room.
    A couple of minutes later he stood over the bed looking at
her long, dark hair spread out across the pillows.
    “What are you doing?” she asked.
    He’d thought she’d dozed off, but her voice didn’t sound
sleepy. His heart beat too fast and his palms were damp as a boy’s on his first
date. “I’m watching you.”
    She rolled onto her back and those deep, brown eyes stared
up at him, shining in the lamplight. “Why don’t you get back into the bed?”
    Jess went to the dresser and turned the lamp off, giving
himself time to force his emotions down. He slid back into the bed, pulling her
against him and kissing the top of her head. She snuggled in, laying her head
on his chest while one arm draped over his ribs.
    “Can I ask you something?”
    Absently he stroked his fingers over her soft shoulder. Even
though he dreaded the question, he could deny her nothing. “Anything.”
    “Why did you get so angry with me earlier?”
    Shit. “I wasn’t really angry with you.”
    He shook his head. It was dark so she couldn’t see him, but
she must have felt the movement.
    “You seemed pretty angry to me.”
    “I was angry with myself for putting you in danger and then
not being able to protect you. That’s the second time you’ve save my life. I
don’t like being in debt.” It wasn’t pretty. It didn’t make him out to be a
terrific guy, but it was the truth.
    “Why should you have to protect me?”
    “I’m the man.” He sounded as if he was a complete
    “What? Really?” She leaned up on her elbow and he
immediately missed the warmth of her body against his.
    He shrugged.
    “But I thought you worked with Tessa Clark.”
    “That’s different. You’ve seen Tessa in action. She’s
extraordinary, hand-to-hand combat, paramilitary training and she can push a
bullet from its trajectory by slowing time.”
    She moved to the very edge of the mattress, as far away from
him as she could get without actually getting out of bed. “I see. Maybe it
would be better if I just went back.”
    Even in the dark, he could still see her body dimly
outlined. He gripped her shoulders. “You are taking this all wrong. I think
you’re going to be a competent and valuable agent. You have skills that are unique
and from my perspective, life-saving. I just can’t think of you the same way as
I think of Tessa. I think of Tessa as a colleague. You are a woman, a woman I
    “Tessa told me you and she nearly had an affair years ago,
so I know you think of her as a woman.” He had limited mind reading skills, but
her words dripped with

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