Her Perfect Mismatch (A Town Named Eden Book 2)

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Book: Her Perfect Mismatch (A Town Named Eden Book 2) by Sonia Parin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sonia Parin
expecting visitors, I must look a fright.”
    “I knew you’d be up to your eyeballs in rhubarb so I brought you some coffee from Joyce’s.”
    “You’re a mind reader. I’ve just been thinking how much I could do with a shot of caffeine and here you are.”
    “Next time call me. I’ll be happy to swing by.” She handed her the coffee and looked around. “Wow, look how pretty these are.” She strode up to the table where Elizabeth had stacked all the jars. “I’m impressed. You’ve got a serious production line happening here. Where did you get the labels?”
    “Glenda and I worked on them.”
    “It’s amazing how much you’ve achieved in just over a week.”
    That meant she had two weeks before her money running out.
    “Soon you’ll be joining the Chamber of Commerce or maybe we could form our own group. Like a women’s league.”
    “Getting a bit ahead of yourself. I don’t know if any of these will sell.”
    “They will. Mark my word. They’ll be a hit with tourists. They drive all the way out here and they don’t like going home empty-handed. Before you know it, they’ll be contacting you to see if you can supply city stores.”
    Elizabeth gave a dreamy sigh and took a drink of her coffee. “Pull up a stool.”
    “Thanks. So… what’s this about you not setting foot in town again?”
    Elizabeth groaned. “You heard me rambling to myself.”
    “Bits and pieces. What happened?”
    “Oh, nothing. Everything. Your brother…”
    “Which one.”
    Eddie’s eyes narrowed. “Did he come onto you? You shouldn’t take him seriously. He has a reputation for being… friendly. In a nice, flirty sort of way.”
    “It’s not what you think. In fact, it was sort of the other way around.”
    Eddie laughed. “You made a pass at my brother?”
    “Why is that funny? Oh, I get it, I’m not his type.”
    “No, it’s not that. You… well, you don’t strike me as the type to flirt. He’s more used to women who are… oh, you know—”
    “Assertive.” She shook her head. “I’m not saying this right. I don’t want you to think you’re lacking in those areas, it’s just that—”
    “I’m not his type. I get it. And it’s okay, I know what I look like… with my hair tied back and the way I dress, all neat and tidy. I’m the twinset girl.” She shrugged. “I’ve tried the casual look... wearing jeans but… well they just don’t suit me.”
    “There are jeans for everyone. You need to find the right pair for you.” She looked around the shed. “Can you spare some time tomorrow? We could go shopping.”
    “You and me?”
    “Sure. Theo’s still away and I can’t make any major decisions about the restaurant until he comes back, so I have some free time on my hands.”
    “Great. I’d love to go shopping.”
    Eddie smiled at her over the rim of her cup. “So… That’s interesting. You like my brother.”
    Had she said that? “Please don’t tell the others.”
    “Is that a yes?”
    She wrung her hands together. “I’m not… in the right place. My life is in transit. I don’t even know if I’m staying.” Or if she ever wanted to become involved again.
    “You know he’s a fun time type of guy. Although, I do have high hopes for him.”
    “I guess that’s another reason why. I’m not a fling type of girl.” She rolled her eyes.
    “Few of us are.”
    “I shouldn’t even be thinking it. Besides, he has a point to prove.” She brushed the worry line she knew had formed between her eyebrows. “If he knew people were placing bets—”
    “He’d pull out his wallet.” Eddie laughed. “It might actually be fun if you came onto him. Raise the stakes. I wonder if he could resist you?”
    “Don’t laugh,” Eddie lowered her tone, “I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
    Elizabeth raised both hands. “Even if, hypothetically, my life was in order and I wanted to let him know I was interested, there’s still the matter

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