Time to Move On

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Book: Time to Move On by Grace Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Grace Thompson
he had to be back and ready for the evening opening.
    The café was busy, the windows steamed up from the cooking and the wet coats of the customers. He went in and explained to Seranne that she had a visitor. ‘He said he’s your father.’
    ‘Stepfather,’ she corrected. ‘I wonder what he wants? Perhaps Mum is ill.’
    ‘I didn’t ask.’ Alun didn’t explain that the door had been closed before he’d had the chance. He was still uneasy and after explaining to Betty he got into the car and drove to Badgers Brook, parking on the lane a short distance from the gate.
    Seranne left early after a word with Mrs Rogers and jumping off the bus, ran down the lane towards the house. A gaslight showed through the kitchen window and looking in before opening the door she saw Paul dozing in a chair. She went in and touched his shoulder to wake him.
    ‘Sorry, I must have dozed off. How odd. That’s something I never do. It’s very quiet and peaceful here, isn’t it?’
    ‘Why are you here? Is Mum all right?’
    He rubbed his eyes and stretched. ‘Funny that, me sleeping in the day.’
    ‘It’s a very relaxing house, now please tell me, is she ill?’
    ‘Not ill exactly, but I think she’s a bit tired and I want to take her away again, just for a few days, a little holiday would be good for her and perhaps she’d get used to the idea of letting go a little, leaving more of the day to day management to others. And it’s the quietest time in the tea rooms, isn’t it?’
    ‘Are you sure she’s not ill?’
    ‘To be honest, she was upset when you left and she hasn’t felt really well since. Could you come and look after things for a week while I take her to the sea side?’
    ‘How can I? I have a job here and I don’t want to lose it.’
    ‘Don’t worry, Pat – Mrs Pat Sewell – will run the place. She’s fitted in very well. I just had to ask, you might have been hurt if I hadn’t at least asked.’
    ‘You’re sure she’s capable, this – Mrs Sewell?’
    ‘Pat. Yes, she and your mother get on very well. Different ideas about some things, but nothing they don’t sort out between them.’
    ‘I’ll come on Sunday and perhaps I can meet her and make sure all is well. Sorry I can’t help, but it’s difficult, having just started a new job.’
    ‘Relax, there isn’t a problem, I just felt you should know.’ He stood up and stretched lazily. ‘This is a strange house. I never sleep in the day, but I slept and had some really vivid dreams. I was working in a shop selling beautiful china. Isn’t that odd?’
    ‘Beautiful china like my mother once had on the shelves in the tea rooms?’ she couldn’t help asking.
    ‘Good heavens, no. Not old-fashioned gaudy Victoriana. This wassmart, modern china, simple designs and smart lines. The windows were filled with quality pieces and, do you know, I can imagine that being a reality. I’m looking for something new and….’
    There was a knock at the door and Seranne opened the door and invited Alun inside.
    ‘I just wanted to see if everything was all right,’ he said apologetically.
    Seranne thanked him and introduced him to Paul.
    ‘It’s good that you have friends, Seranne,’ Paul said. Turning to Alun he added, ‘But if you’ll excuse us, I’d like to talk to my daughter-in-law in private.’
    Alun looked shocked at the curt response but he just nodded at Seranne and left. Seranne hadn’t been in the village very long but she was a friend and deserved care. He realized there was nothing he could do, but there was something about the man that made him uneasy.
    ‘This little holiday, it’s a celebration,’ Paul told her and he looked away as he explained. ‘Your darling mother has insisted on becoming an equal partner in my business. She now owns fifty per cent of my leather goods factory. I didn’t suggest it,’ he added hastily as Seranne drew a deep breath to complain. ‘It was your mother’s idea and it’s perfect. We’re partners in

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