Removing the Mask

Free Removing the Mask by Aimee Whitmee

Book: Removing the Mask by Aimee Whitmee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimee Whitmee
to her baggy long sleeved t-shirt.
    “You have got nothing to be thankful for, I would do this again in a heartbeat because you’re my family, you’re my niece and I love you and all your little shit glory.” She rubs my back as I laugh and pulls back to look me in the eyes. “I better not be hearing you putting yourself down again, okay McKenzie?”
    I nod, a smile curing my lips. “Okay.”
    “Can I come in now?”
    Startling, I turn my head to look at Jimmy as he pokes his head round the doorway.
    “How long have you been standing there?” I ask as embarrassed as I walk over to grab one of the suitcases out his hands.
    “Let’s just say that, I’ve been standing here long enough.”
    Avoiding his gaze for the moment, I dump my suitcase on the bed before unzipping it. The mattress dips as Jimmy places the other suitcase on the bed before going to slouch on the sofa in the corner, where the TV is mounted on the wall.
    Standing up, Bessie stretches before squeezing my shoulder as she walks to the door. “Don’t stay up too late Jimmy. Ken, I’m taking you to the bakery tomorrow where you’re going to be working, is that alright with you?” Ignoring the slight hint of sarcasm, I nod without looking at her.
    “Good. Good night you two.”
    “Night.” We say in sync.
    I cast a look at Jimmy to find him watching me patiently. “What do you want?”  I ask as I start hanging hoodies up in the wardrobe.
    “When you’ve done what you want to do, come to my room there’s something I want to show you.” With that, he hops up and saunters out the room.
    A few folded jumpers later, the silence is starting to irritate me. Sighing, I chuck the tank top in my hand on the bed before leaving to find Jimmy. Problem is though; I don’t know which room is his. I search the rooms on the floor I’m on, only to find empty spare bedrooms and bathrooms.
    Halfway down the stairs I hear a familiar sound, a very familiar sound. I walk halfway down the hall and peek into the room I’m more than certain is Jimmy’s, unless Bessie’s into gaming.  
    Truth be told, the PS3 menu is sitting proudly on the large flat screen TV. But Jimmy’s attention isn’t on the TV; it’s focused fully on the laptop sitting on his desk. His fingers move like lightning across the keyboard. I can make out the layout of Skype on the screen.
    He startles, spinning quickly to face me. He slumps back on the balls of his feet before turning back to the laptop. “You scared the living daylights out of me.”
    “I can see. What’re you doing for god’s sake?” I walk up beside him and look at the screen.
    I giggle, “Oh.” I look at the guy’s profile picture and find myself looking closer to get a better look. “Oh my god,” it’s him. I manage to keep the last part in my head. Though a lot of good that’s going to do because at some point I’m actually going to come face to face with him because it’s not like I can avoid him.
    “-anything wrong with that!” Jimmy rushes out.
    I look at Jimmy confused, “what? Er never mind. Let’s just play.”
    “You alright? You’ve gone a bit weird?” His gaze switches between the picture and me.
    “Only a bit?” I ask as I take a seat in one of the gamer chairs in front of the TV. “I’m fine; I came here to beat your butt not to be interrogated.”
    “Have you ever played before?” The chair squeaks as he sits down.
    “Yeah. What’re we playing?” 
    “Don’t rush… don’t press down too much… Careful!”
    “I am being careful! It’s hard!” I say defensively. It’s even harder with you barking orders in my ear!
    I reposition the piping bag in my hands and finished the swirl on top of the cupcake. 
    “It’s terrible.” I say as I place the piping bag on the counter.
    “I wouldn’t say that. Love, no matter what it looks like, it still tastes the same.” She turns away from me to go to the front of the bakery, “you just really need to work

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