
Free IntimateEnemy by Jocelyn Modo

Book: IntimateEnemy by Jocelyn Modo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jocelyn Modo
citrine eyes as she met his gaze.
    “Hey.” He wanted to tell her he missed her, loved her, but
all he could say was, “hey”?
    He was speechless, held spellbound by her very presence when
he thought he’d lost her—or she’d lost him.
    Fortunately she knew what to do.
    Azure grabbed him and pulled him down for a breathtaking
kiss, showing instead of telling how much he meant to her. He moaned when she
sent her heart and spirit seeking to bond with his.
    Without hesitation, he bonded his trinity-of-being to
hers—body, heart and spirit. And there on the Equate Space Station, on the last
day of the peace talks, as they became bonded intimates, a sense of peace swept
through him so profound that he knew he would never be the same.

About the Author
    Jocelyn Modo grew up infatuated with science fiction and
fantasy, reading everything she could get her greedy hands on. Later, when she
discovered romance, it only seemed natural to combine the genres. She lives on
the planet Earth but travels frequently to other worlds, always remembering to
bring her badly beaten laptop with her.
    Jocelyn welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her author bio page at .
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    Also by Jocelyn Modo
    First Heat
    On Vixen
    Paradise Moon
    Ellora’s Cave Publishing
    Intimate Enemy
    ISBN 9781419939099
    Intimate Enemy Copyright © 2012 Jocelyn Modo
    Edited by Jillian Bell
    Cover design by Fiona Jaybe
    Photography: Lisa A/
    Electronic book publication June 2012
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