Garan the Eternal

Free Garan the Eternal by Andre Norton

Book: Garan the Eternal by Andre Norton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andre Norton
Princes upon the third hour.”
    “To hear is to obey, in this as in all things.” I murmured the standard reply demanded of a recipient of a royal message.
    He slipped to one knee and touched the pavement before me in salute.
    At the third hour? Then I still had time to break my fast before I must go. Taking Anatan by the arm I went into the eating chamber used by all those who lodged within the confines of the tower. We took our seat at a polished table which stood with one side tight against the wall. Anatan thrust down a tiny plunger in the table top twice. The wall panel facing us sank back and our food bowls slid out. The stuff was well flavored and highly nutritious but so prepared with artificial colorings and tastes that no one could ever swear as to the original content of any dish. This fashion, introduced by the overcivilized city dwellers, had never found favor with me and I longed for the cruder but, to me, more succulent dishes one found set out in the frontier camps or in small country inns.
    The city dwellers, sated as they were with all the refinements life could offer, had lost many of the true joys of living. Their scented “pleasure palaces” were regarded with a sort of righteous horror by the sturdy country folk. And, unless the many tales we heard were ill-founded, the secret police might indeed have found much to interest them in one of those beautiful, almost dreamlike, castles.

    As if he had read the thoughts passing through my mind, Anatan broke the silence.
    “There is a new ‘palace’ in the Sotan quarter.”
    “So,” I observed indulgently. “Did you chance upon it last night?”
    He shook his head in mock regret. “It is not for the likes of me. Kanddon of Stal was entering as I passed and I saw Lord Palkun’s guards by the door.”
    “High play then?” I wondered aloud as he named the two most wealthy and influential men below the rank of Learned Ones who maintained residences in Yu-Lac.
    “That and other things.” He grinned in a knowing manner which ill became his boyish face. “If the Lord Garan visits there would he not be needing a companion?”
    “And when, puppy, have I wasted unwise moments behind the curtains of a ‘pleasure palace’? But this I promise you” — I spoke lightly enough, not being able to read the future — “when I enter that one in the Sotan you shall be at my side.”
    “Done! And that is a promise, my Lord,” he rapped out eagerly. Thus did we leave it as I clambered into the one- motor flier which was to transport me across the city to a landing stage behind the crystal walls of the Emperor’s palace.

Chapter Two
    The Master of Koom
    It being yet early morning, the air lanes above the bulk of the city were uncrowded by the pleasure and business craft which would hover, dart down and across, during the later hours. Save for a patrol or two that I passed, no one disputed my course until just before I swung my ship in to land upon the stage by the middle, slanting spire of the citadel.
    Then it was that a slim, black two-passenger, whose rakish lines spelled both speed and ease of handling, cut ill-manneredly in before the nose of my ship and came down, with its belly hugging the very landing spot I had marked for my own.
    With a hot speech ready for the impudent youngster who had so high-handedly usurped my coveted place, I brought my tiny flier in to berth it beside the shining black speeder. But it was no sprig of the court whom I confronted when I stepped out.
    For, with a slight smile holding, to my mind, more than the suspicion of a sneer, curling his finely cut lips, the tall Master of Koom lingered by the entrance to the down ramp. His arrogantly held head was bare of either ceremonial crown or helmet and his crisp black hair was ruffled by the morning wind, the same wind which tugged at the heavy folds of his long orange cloak.
    By his side was his air commander, sulky fellow, Japlan of Toe, who had been held in ill repute among

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