The Powterosian War (Book 5)

Free The Powterosian War (Book 5) by C. Craig Coleman

Book: The Powterosian War (Book 5) by C. Craig Coleman Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. Craig Coleman
sight behind the wall.
    “I didn’t dismiss you, fool.”
    Smegdor faced the king but said nothing.
    “That King Saxthor has aided the resistance in Heggolstockin. I can sense his presence there. I’d have both the kingdoms of Graushdem and Sengenwha under my control by now if he wasn’t conspiring with Memlatec to thwart my seizure of the peninsular.”
    “Yes, Your Majesty.”
    “Summon General Bor. Those rock dwarves must break through the Hador passage. We must break Graushdem before that kingdom can mount a serious defense. And General Tarquak is trying to evade me. We sense his movements around Sengenwha. He forgets I recreated him with my own essence. I know his every move. There’s no place that he can hide. We must make an example of him to the other generals.”
    “Send for the fleet admiral, it’s time to bring the griffins from Tixos to aid in the attacks on the South. Those winged, beaked terrors should break Graushdemheimer’s confidence and resolve. And I’ve another task for the admiral as well.”
    Smegdor returned to his cramped niche in the tunnel wall to issue the orders for the admiral and General Bor. He dispatched messengers that day.
    The admiral sailed to Tixos and with a Goblin atop a lesser dragon to round up the griffins, returned to Dreaddrac with two dozen of the creatures constrained in the cargo ships. Upon release, the goblin on his winged mount led the beaked beasts through the edge of the Edros swamp to the Akkin River at Feldrik Fortress.
    * * *
    “What’s that?” a sentry high in Feldrik’s western tower yelled. He remembered himself and blew a warning on his horn. He didn’t take his eyes off the flock of unknown bird-beasts that flew over the river and landed behind the orc contingents surrounding the fortress. The orcs scattered every which way, but the griffins didn’t attack them. The Goblin on the lesser dragon herded the griffins into a controlled flock, fluttering about like excited flamingos. The orcs and men rushed up to the walls, staring in awe at the mass of strange bird-beasts that clicked and clacked their beaks. They stamped around as if stomping something to death in frustration.
    Feldrik Fortress’ old commanding general came to the sentry tower to see the cause of the horn blasting. He stood, scratching his head, mesmerized by the flock. The rest of the garrison lined the walls, ramparts, and turrets of the fortress to see the never before seen sight.
    “They going to attack us, General?” the sentry asked.
    “I don’t know, son,” the old man said, watching the flock. He pulled on his impressive mustache. “Looks like they’re being herded someplace else. See the goblin on the dragon; they’re up to something. I better send a warning to Heggolstockin.”
    “I’ll get a homing pigeon, sir,” the guard said.
    “No, don’t leave your post, son. Aide, bring me paper and a pigeon.”
    The aide disappeared and quickly returned with the required items. The general wrote out a warning to the duke that these bird-beast things might be heading his way.
    “Mightn’t it be better to wait and see where they’re heading, Sir?” the aide asked and the sentry nodded.
    “We’ve no way of telling if they’re heading to Heggolstockin or Graushdemheimer,” the general said. He tied the small, rolled note to the homing pigeon’s leg and threw it into the air. It circled the fortress twice and flew off toward Heggolstockin, but as it passed over the flock of griffins, two flew up. The first to the quarry snapped its beak, swallowing the pigeon in one gulp without missing a wing beat and returned to the griffin flock.
    The general leaned forward with both hands on the railing. He lowered his head.
    “I guess it doesn’t much matter which direction they’re going anyway,” the sentry said.
    “Keep an eye on them and notify me if they move in any direction,” the general said. He started back down the tower stairs. The aide shrugged his shoulders.

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