Broken Star (2006)

Free Broken Star (2006) by Terry Murphy

Book: Broken Star (2006) by Terry Murphy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Murphy
Tags: Western
against his conscience, yet if you become the law here you can keep things civilized, Fallon.’
    ‘One man can’t alter things,’ Vejar said flatly.
    ‘You aren’t one man , you are Fallon Vejar.’ Harker raised his voice in emphasis, an exercise that rapidly tired him.
    To Vejar it seemed that he had already passed some invisible point of no return. George Harker was talking sense. If Vejar was running things he had a chance to foil the bank raid and maybe save the life of Gloria Malone. But it would be a momentous task, and failure on both counts couldn’t be ruled out. Then there was Raya and George Harker to be considered. He couldn’t ride away and leave them at this time of crisis in Yancey.
    He went to speak to Harker, but the sheriff had expended all of his severely depleted energy, and had slipped into unconsciousness. Turning to Raya, Vejar said, ‘When George comes round, tell him that the next time he sees me I’ll be wearing a tin star.’
    ‘Oh thank you so much, Fallon.’
    A tearful but grateful Raya ran to Vejar to kiss him on the cheek. It was a kiss that held more poignancy and apprehension than it did passion. He held her for a moment. A moment too long where his feelings were concerned. They stood for a moment, aware only of each other. Then he turned and went out of the door with the fragrance of the young woman still adhering to him.
    The non-return of Richie Deere had caused consternation in the outlaw camp. With both the kid’s fate and the present situation in Yancey a mystery, the following morning Klugg sent Gloria into town on yet another reconnaissance mission.
    Locating the only dressmaker’s premises on the street, a tiny building with a small-windowed shop front, she dismounted, looked cautiously around her for a moment, then entered. Raya and another young women were standing examining a bolt of brightly coloured material.
    Raya’s face lit up on seeing Gloria. ‘Carmel!’ she exclaimed. ‘What a lovely surprise. This is Mary, my friend and partner.’
    ‘Hello.’ Gloria gave Mary a friendly smile. ‘I hope I’m not interrupting your work, Raya, but I was in town and thought I would call to see you.’
    ‘I’m so glad that you did, Carmel. Was the ranch you were looking at suitable?’
    ‘The deal’s all but done,’ Gloria replied. ‘Now, tell me about you. Are you still doing your nursing bit?’
    ‘Oh, you haven’t heard, have you, Carmel?’
    ‘Heard what?’
    ‘George was shot last night.’
    ‘The sheriff shot?’ Gloria showed fake surprise and shock. ‘He isn’t …?’
    ‘No. He’s badly hurt, but the doctor told me earlier that he will pull through.’
    ‘Thank the Lord,’ Gloria said, sighing long and loud. Then she went on, ‘This is terribly selfish of me, Raya, but I put mine and Alan’s money in the bank here, and now there isn’t a sheriff.’
    Raya said reassuringly. ‘You have no need to worry, Carmel. Fallon Vejar has agreed to be the law in Yancey temporarily. Believe me, your money is as safe with Fallon as sheriff as it was when George was in charge.’
    ‘That’s good to hear.’ Gloria expressed her relief. She looked flustered then. ‘I’m sorry that I can’t stay longer, Raya, but my brother will be worrying about me if I don’t get back.’
    ‘I understand, and it was grand seeing you, Carmel,’ Raya said. ‘I hope that it won’t be long before you return to Yancey.’
    Clasping Raya’s hand, giving it an affectionate little squeeze, Gloria assured her. ‘I promise you that I’ll be back in town very soon.’
    Raya frowned, puzzled by the strange way her friend had spoken her parting words. But she then told herself that she was being silly, and turned her attention to Mary and the business they had been discussing.
    ‘This is my nephew, Jonathan, my sister’s boy. He’s willing to help you.’
    Walter Randall introduced his relative to Vejar. He was young, with long black hair drooping like string

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