Tempting Whispers: The Kategan Alphas 6

Free Tempting Whispers: The Kategan Alphas 6 by T. A.Grey

Book: Tempting Whispers: The Kategan Alphas 6 by T. A.Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. A.Grey
didn’t tell me where you
were going. Something could have happened.”
    Her hands had a mind of their own and
flattened, rubbing up his chest to curl around his shoulders. God, that felt
good. He had hard shoulders with a dip in front where the muscle flared at the
back. She bit her lip as she grew wetter between her legs.
    “How did you find me?”
    He flicked his hard gaze to her hands
then shoved them away, but she wouldn’t be denied. Not with the warmth flowing
through her body like warm honey. So she grabbed his waist and wanted to moan
at the hard muscle there, but she pressed on until she had her arms wrapped
around him, her breasts pressed flat to the heat of his hard stomach.
    And he didn’t push her away, but he did
send her a warning look. “I have GPS in the car. I can track it with my phone.”
    “Sounds fancy,” she murmured, her eyes memorizing
the hard plane of his chest. She could just see the outline where his pectoral
met his abdomen. She wet her lip as her mouth tingled to press against that
spot. His body was hard everywhere, so unlike her mate’s.
    His lip twitched in an angry way. “How
drunk are you? Do you think you can walk out of here without my help?”
    The song picked up its sultry, throbbing
tempo and she started dancing around his big strong body, rubbing her breasts
against him, sliding her thighs around his. She dipped low at a particular
point in the song and grazed her cheek along the button of his jeans, and boy
did he look sexy as hell in jeans. The man should be forbidden from ever
wearing a suit or those preppy golf clothes again, because it was sin to hide
that gorgeous body from view. She dipped just a little more and her nose slid
down along his zipper before she rolled her chest forward and stood.
    “Dance with me.” She stared into his
eyes, begging him to give in, to give her this moment.
    But now he looked like he was about to
explode in anger.
    “I warned you,” was all he said and then
he bent and lifted her into his arms so easily. He sent threatening glares at
everyone until they cleared a path for him. The man acted like he owned the
    “Oh, God,” she whispered and buried her
head in his neck to hide the raging fire blazing her burning cheeks. “This is
so embarrassing.”
    Well, in a small way it was nice,
because she got to wrap her arms around his neck which felt very hard and
strong under her fingertips.
    “God, you’re strong.”
    “Shut up, Vanessa.”
    She did, but not because he told her to.
She curled closer in his arms because, wow, did he feel warm and powerful. Every
cord of muscle pressed against her felt hard and firm. She heard a door open
then cool air swept her hair back. It also carried his scent closer. She
breathed in deeply, then buried her nose in his neck. His arms tightened around
her, which her body must have taken as an invitation, because she sucked in
that delicious masculine scent then pressed her lips there.
    His neck flexed under her lips. “Stop
that, woman.”
    She laughed a little. No wonder people
drank. She had no worries, her whole body felt amazin gand she
had a sexy-ass man carrying her like she weighed nothing. It’d be romantic if
he wasn’t walking as fast as he could and every word out of his mouth spewed
with anger. That and his body pulsed with anger like he wanted to hit something
or shout up a storm. Oh, well.
    She darted her tongue out and licked at
his neck. Her body and breasts throbbed. He even tasted good, warm and
masculine. Her fingers itched to touch him, so she did. She trailed her
fingertips across the back of his neck then up into his hair. His soft hair
tickled her fingers and she loved the way the slightly curling locks wrapped
around her fingers.
    Suddenly, he swung her out of his arms
and propped her up against something. Dazedly, she looked behind her to find
his SUV there. “What about my car?” she said, proud her words didn’t slur; at
least, not to her ears.
    He shook his

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