Renaissance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 5)

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Book: Renaissance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 5) by Rebecca Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Lynn
ready, and if I had forced the matter, something may have started only to have fallen apart shortly after.  Our friendship would’ve been damaged.  That didn’t happen.  So now, at least, you’re healthy, you’re ready, you can move forward…and we’re still friends.”
    Yeah, but now you’re dating someone else.  She swallowed and made an ‘uh huh’ sound, trying to shake herself out of her pity party.
    “I’m kind of glad nothing happened,” he said.
    She blinked and almost lost her breath at the pain she felt at his comment.
    He swore softly then continued.  “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.  Let me explain that better.  I obviously wanted something to happen back in January.  What I mean is I’m glad nothing happened which may have led to our friendship being hurt.  I’d be really sorry if we weren’t able to be friends because I pushed you too hard.  I value our friendship.”
    She was still silent, trying not to spiral down into the vortex of depression that was taking over.  He definitely sounded like he had moved on.  After an awkward moment, she finally said, “I value our friendship, too.”  She heard him sigh on the other end and she figured it was time to finish the call.  She brightened her voice.  “Well, listen.  Thanks again for contacting Carly.”
    He hesitated.  After a moment he finally said, “No problem.  I’ll call you later tonight or tomorrow morning.”
    “Sounds good.”  She swallowed again, feeling like something was lodged in her throat.
    There was another awkward pause, then he said, “Okay, then.  Talk to you later.”
    “Bye, Drew.”
    “Bye, Tiffany.”
    Tiffany leaned back in her chair and felt the prick of tears.  She blinked rapidly to stay them.  Then she pulled up her message box and texted Emily, Janie, Ayanna and Ryann with a group message.
    TIFF:  I need major advice.  Girls’ night tonight?  I’ve got wine and chocolate.  Who’s in?
    Within ten minutes, she’d heard back from all of the girls.  A time was set for them to get together at her place that night at seven.  Once that was taken care of, she shook herself out of her funk and got ready for her meeting with her girlfriend from Columbia.
    “Holy Toledo.  There’s a lot of stuff you just said, so let’s take this one chunk at a time.  First things first.  Dr. Drew.  Let me get this straight,” Janie said.  “You never really came out and told him you were interested?”
    Tiffany sighed deeply while tucking her feet under her on the sofa.  “No, not technically, but come on.  He’s a doctor.  How stupid can he be?  I told him I was sorry that I messed up on New Year’s and that I was now ready to date –”
    “And, wait,” Ayanna said, swooshing her hand in the air.  “Did he say anything about what happened on New Year’s with you guys?  Like he’d wished something more happened, or anything?”
    “Not when we were talking at the hospital.  We didn’t get that far because that’s when I met Katrina.”  Tiffany couldn’t keep the sadness from her voice.  “She’s a pretty little Latina thing.  Very sweet and bubbly.”
    “Bitch,” Ayanna joked, a mock scowl on her beautiful latte colored face.
    They all snickered.
    “I thought he understood what I was getting at when I said I was ready to date, but we didn’t talk much after Katrina stopped by the table.  It was a little awkward, especially after he’d said they’d been friends for years.”
    Ryann made a thoughtful face then said, “Tiff, there may be a chance that he doesn’t know you’re interested in him.”
    “How is that even possible?” Tiffany asked, exasperated.
    “Because you’ve run from him every chance you’ve had.  I mean, think about it.  Every time he’s made a move, you’ve turned him down.  Maybe his ego is a little wounded.”
    “I haven’t run from him every time,” she pouted.  “I’ve had dinner with him, and I went to the

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