Bewitching in Boots

Free Bewitching in Boots by Lila di Pasqua

Book: Bewitching in Boots by Lila di Pasqua Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lila di Pasqua
Tristan once more. Her insides danced. She was beyond besotted with him.
    Being wedded to Tristan would be heavenly.
    Claire walked up behind her and wrapped her arms around Elisabeth’s waist. Resting her chin on Elisabeth’s shoulder, she said, “Why don’t you tell him you love him?”
    Her heart gave a hard thud. Elisabeth twisted around to face her sister. “ Pardon ?”
    Claire dropped her arms to her sides and sighed. “Don’t bother to deny it, Elisabeth. You’re in love with Tristan de Tiersonnier. That is why we are here, isn’t it? You want to wed him. That’s the reason for the workers and gardeners. That is why you want Tristan reinstated—though I am not saying the other reasons aren’t valid as well. You are trying to convince the King that Tristan is a suitable husband for you .”
    Elisabeth was gripped by fear. “How—How did you—”
    “Know? I’ve caught you looking at him, not just here, but at Versailles when he was Captain. It is the briefest of looks—in a way you don’t look at any other man. Don’t worry, Elisabeth. Tristan can’t tell. No one can—except me. I’m your sister and I know you best of all. I’m the only one who sees it.”
    Elisabeth’s heart pounded. “You’ll swear to me, you’ll not tell a soul. Do you hear me?”
    “Of course I swear. I’ve known for some time and I’ve never breathed a word. I don’t understand why you don’t tell him of your affections. He seems to have grown quite fond of you. I don’t think he’d find the notion of marrying you disagreeable. Discuss it with him, then with the King.”
    Lord, how naïve Claire was. Perhaps she’d sheltered her too much. “It isn’t done that way. Nor is it that simple. You cannot embark upon any course of action without first reducing the chances of failure. Even if Tristan were agreeable, the King likely won’t be. Walking up to His Majesty to request Tristan as my husband could and likely would be met with a resounding no. Then what? Once the King makes a decision, he’ll not change it. The matter must be carefully handled, steps taken that are well thought out.”
    “Fine. Perhaps being more prudent with the King is a good idea, but why not tell Tristan how you feel?”
    Elisabeth was aghast. “Are you mad? Claire, it is bad enough that I have done the unthinkable—fallen in love—when I know better. When I have seen the devastation that particular emotion causes women. We live at the whims of men. You know that. A woman under the influence of love who makes the mistake of declaring her affections pays the ultimate price. You know what happened to our mother when she professed her love to the King. Soon after, he became disenchanted and sent her away to the Convent of the Sacred Heart. This after she’d maintained his interest for years .”
    Claire lowered her gaze to the floor, looking doleful. The subject of their mother was difficult. Claire had been young and devastated when their mother had been sent away. Elisabeth had consoled her sister as best she could, despite her own broken heart.
    Placing her hands on her sister’s shoulders, Elisabeth sighed. She didn’t want to distress Claire by bringing the subject up, but God help her, she had to be made to understand. “You mustn’t ever wear your emotions on your sleeve.” She squeezed Claire’s shoulders. “You must remain guarded—with your thoughts and emotions. Never give anything away. Unless you wish to suffer. Unless you wish to lose the man you love.”
    Elisabeth had come to Tristan with the hope of ultimately purging him from her blood. It was now clear, it would take much longer than a week to accomplish.
    It would take several lifetimes.
    She hadn’t wanted to love him so deeply, but she did. With all her heart. She always had.
    She didn’t want to lose him, and so she was forging ahead with her plan.
    “I’m sorry, Elisabeth. You’re right, of course.” Her sister’s eyes were large and sad.

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