Over the Threshold

    Over the Threshold
    A Scoundrels Short Story
    By Mari Carr
    Smashwords Edition
    Copyright 2013 Mari Carr
    First electronic publication: July 2013
    Cover by Valerie Tibbs
    This book is a work of fiction. The names,
characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s
imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be
construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead,
actual events, locale or organizations is entirely
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    Does she dare say those three little
letters—I Do—that could change her whole life?
    Becca Preston is shocked when Hollywood
megastar Parker Banks proposes to her on the Scoundrels stage.
Though they’ve been friends for years, she’s been very careful to
never blur that line. After all, she only has one hard and fast
rule—no actors. Her famous father’s infidelities have taught her to
keep a firm grip on her heart and she’s never been tempted to break
that vow. Until Parker walked back into Scoundrels.
    Under the bright lights, he breaks down her
resistance, opens her eyes to what could be and makes her question
her decision to avoid love with movie stars.
    And what happens when the performance becomes
real? When sex becomes tied up with emotions? Should Becca cling to
her safe, yet lonely life or take a chance and make that trip over
the threshold?
    This short story is the final installment of
a trilogy of stories about Becca and Parker’s romance and it is
connected to the Scoundrels series, available now at Ellora’s Cave.
For better enjoyment, it is suggested that you read Behind the
Scenes and Under the Lights before reading this book. Approximate
word count is 6200 words.

Chapter One
    Emma closed her eyes, resisting the urge to
groan as Jack stroked her clit faster. They had claimed their usual
corner table at Scoundrels, enjoying the premiere of her latest sex
show together. However, the scene on the stage had taken a much
different turn from the fantasy Emma had originally imagined. When
she’d called Hollywood mega stud Parker Banks and invited him to
make Becca’s dreams of being captured and ravished come to life
onstage, she’d had no idea exactly how far he’d take things. Emma
had always known there were feelings between her bartender and her
former waiter, but she hadn’t realized exactly how deep they
    “Who do you belong to?” Parker’s voice was
deep and stern as it filled the auditorium, causing countless women
to sigh and fall even more in love with the sexy movie star.
Parker’s dominant tone reminded her so much of Jack’s commanding
    She glanced at her husband, then parted her
legs as his questing fingers found her wet opening. He pressed two
inside as she trembled with need. It wasn’t unusual for them to
play in the club. Their regular table was covered with a long cloth
that shielded their actions, and its location at the back of the
room ensured at least a tiny measure of privacy.
    Not that it mattered. The public setting
fueled their arousals, caused them to take chances, to go further.
Exhibitionism was a kink they shared.
    Jack leaned closer. “This show is hot.”
    She nodded, unable to speak when Jack added a
third finger, stretching her so deliciously.
    “You’re going to come, right here at the
table for me, Emma. Before the show is over. And then we’re going
home so I can fuck you properly. All night.”
    Emma smiled at his
proclamation, then upped the ante. “We can go

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