A Zombie Survival Series (Book 1): Infestation Iowa

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Book: A Zombie Survival Series (Book 1): Infestation Iowa by Nathan A. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nathan A. Smith
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
on the radio they had medical teams all over the place helping people. Iowa City should be safe by now.”
                  “Finally some good news!” Destiny rejoiced.
                  “Destiny helped you out of your clothes last night,” Eric said leaning forward once again, “So Viv could wash them.” Eric raised his eyebrows up and down. David looked at Destiny who was shaking her head no at Eric, then looked at David and smiled.
                  “I’m impressed by the way.” She said with a giggle.
                  “Anyway!” David tried to change the subject as he smirked. “How did you get out of that store Holiday?” Holiday led David to the couch and they both sat down.
                  “This ought to be good.” Eric said, “He has told the story a few times now, every time it gets more unbelievable.”
                  “That is because every time I remember more about how it happened.” Holiday said as they all chuckled. David looked around confused at first, then Holiday started his story.

    Chapter 7 – Incredible Adventure
                  “It happened like this,” Holiday said, “So there I was lying on the ground with my leg missing-!” David grabbed Holiday’s leg,
                  “Looks attached to me sheriff.” He said cutting him off.
                  “I’ll get to that!” He said, moving David’s hand off him. “It is now but-” he sighed heavily, “You wanna hear this story or not?” he said looking sternly at David.
    David smiled uncontrollably and nodded his head yes as Eric chuckled quietly.
    “Like I said I was lying there on the ground with my leg missing when the fire started. You see what happened was, The Beast let out a terrible roar and breathed fire all over the place. I, having misplaced my lighter, took this opportunity to light a cigar I had been keeping for a special occasion.”
                  “Now The Beast started the fire?” Destiny said rolling her eyes.
                  “That’s right now hush.” Holiday replied before continuing. “When I lit that cigar The Beast got really angry. Well, I had just about enough of his attitude. So I grabbed my leg which lay at the feet of the creature and shoved a piece of metal pipe into where the bone used to be.”
                  “Where did you get the pipe?” Eric asked. Holiday stared at him and put his fingers up to his lips. “Sorry.” Eric said and chuckled once more. It was becoming clear why everyone thought this story was amusing.
                  “So now I had my severed leg in my hand with a pipe sticking out of it and I rammed it into the stub where it once was. It was at that time I stood up.” Holiday stood up from the couch, bandages and wood wrapped around his leg where Jane had shot him earlier. “The Beast, in what was obviously a jealous rage towards my super humanness, roared a second time. This time I ducked under its fire breath!” Holiday bent over re-enacting his harrowing tale.
    “I ran up to The Beast and punched it right in the jaw, locking its teeth together as to keep its mouth closed.”
    David leaned back into the couch and shook his head in disbelief. “The Beast grew angrier and picked me up with its massive arms. It shook slightly as I admit I have put on a few pounds recently.”
    Everyone chuckled including David.
    “Then it threw me through the backdoor into the parking lot behind the store as its teeth unlocked and it breathed fire once more. I stood my ground though and pulled out my lighter. I said ‘two can play with fire!’ and I thrust it into a gas main erupting the building and saving everyone.” Holiday bowed as everyone clapped and cheered. “Then all I did was get to Viv’s and after that come save you lot when we heard the

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