Sultry Summer Nights

Free Sultry Summer Nights by Té Russ

Book: Sultry Summer Nights by Té Russ Read Free Book Online
Authors: Té Russ
Tags: United States, Romance, African American
building. "Dylan told me you'd moved the studio."
    "I'm doing good," Dottie said. "It's so good to see you. It's been way too long. How are things up North?"
    "They're wonderful, but I'm glad to be here for Diana's wedding."
    Dylan took a step forward. "Why don't we all go out for something to eat? Get caught up?" he suggested.
    They all agreed and made their way over to The Village to the cantina that he and Julie had eaten at not too long ago. Once they were all seated in a nice restaurant, Dylan heard his mother ask Dottie, "How are things with the studio? Really?"
    Dottie cut her eyes to Julie. "My grandchildren have been talking, haven't they?"
    "Only because they are concerned."
    "They shouldn't be concerned. I am the one who is responsible for the studio. I should be able to handle this myself."
    "But you don't have to," Marina said. "Miss Dottie, they don't want to lose the studio anymore than you do. Dylan is great at helping turn businesses around and get them in top shape. And I've heard some of his ideas for the studio. You should listen to him."
    Dottie sighed and said, "Fine, what are these plans you have?"
    Dylan sat up and began. "Julie and I were discussing things and I was thinking that maybe she and another one of your teachers could reach out to restaurants like this one and hold salsa nights here occasionally. You could teach basics and then anyone who may be interested in learning more can come to the studio for lessons.
    "Also, I was thinking we could do some renovations on the studio, update the place a little and have a grand reopening."
    Dottie shook her head at the last idea. "We can't afford major renovations. We couldn't even afford to get the toilet properly fixed."
    "They wouldn't be major," Dylan insisted. "They would be small inexpensive things. We could all pitch in and do them ourselves."
    "You think things like that would actually boost business?" Dottie asked, skeptically.
    Dylan reached over and took Dottie's hand in his. "I do. This is what I do for a living. Let us help you get things back on track. You didn't work hard all of these years to build this up just to lose it. I know how important it is to leave a legacy for your grandchildren and beyond."
    Dottie's eyes filled with tears and she nodded. "Okay," she finally said. "We'll do what we have to do."
    Dylan squeezed her hand gently before releasing it. He looked up and noticed Julie looking at him with a watery smile. She mouthed the words 'thank you' and he returned her smile and nodded.
    "I don't know about you all," Brent said, to lighten the mood, "but I'm starving."
    "If I recall," Marina said. "You were always hungry."
    "Something's never change," he replied, causing everyone at the table to laugh.
    Soon everyone was lost in conversation while they enjoyed their dinner.

    Chapter 12
    As the evening progressed, their small crowd began to get even smaller. Marina left with Diana and James, saying they had lots of wedding plans to get to in the morning. Brent had to drive out to Miami Beach and make sure things were ready for the club opening for the night. And finally Dottie decided to turn in. Dylan and Julie stood at the same time she did.
    Dottie turned to Dylan first.
    "You are a good boy," she said. "I know your father would be proud."
    Dylan simply nodded at her words.
    Dottie then turned to Julie.
    " Te quiero, 'Lita " Julie whispered.
    "I love you too, querida ," Dottie said, then pulled Julie to her for a hug.
    After Dottie left, Dylan and Julie stood around the table.
    "Thank you again," Julie said, moving toward him. "I knew she would listen to you."
    "She more so listened to my mother," Dylan replied.
    "Your mother is a lovely woman."
    "She likes you."
    "You think so?" He could tell that pleased her quite a bit.
    Dylan nodded. "Yeah."
    "I like her too."
    The live band began to play a slow song and Dylan glanced down at Julie. He held out his hand and asked, "Do you want to dance?"
    "Sure," Julie said,

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