Knight Defender (Knight Chronicles)

Free Knight Defender (Knight Chronicles) by Rue Allyn

Book: Knight Defender (Knight Chronicles) by Rue Allyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rue Allyn
for a battle with warriors hardened in the Welsh wars. However ’twill be sufficient if the other clans can send the same. Does he lead his men, and when do they plan to arrive?”
    “He wouldna say. No until his conditions were accepted.”
    “Conditions! What kind of young fool places conditions on the protection of Scotland?”
    Rhuad raised his brows. “He’s no younger than you, though a great deal more arrogant.”
    “You think I’m arrogant?”
    A smile spread on MacFearann’s face. “I dinna think it.”
    “Well then, what … ”
    “I know it.”
    Raeb felt his brain about to burst. “I offer you a roof, care for your wounds, and all due courtesy, yet you insult me.”
    “’Tis no insult if ’tis true.” Rhuad raised a palm. “Hear me out. You get away with your arrogance because more often than no you are right. When you are no, your sisters put you in your place quickly. Also, you dinna hold a grudge when your manner causes trouble.”
    Raeb grinned and looked Rhuad in the eye. “Nicely said. I will admit to a healthy helping of self worth, but I dinna allow it to misguide me. Whether the same is true of Iver MacTavish or no remains to be seen. What are his conditions?”
    Rhuad swallowed then fixed his gaze with Raeb. “He wants a wife.”
    “And I’m supposed to provide him one?”
    The bastard son of the most hated man in Scotland simply looked at Raeb. “No just any wife. He wants one of the seven MacKai jewels.”
    “He wants one of my sisters? Did he say which one? If he wants Sorcha, ’tis no possible.”
    Rhuad shook his head. “MacTavish dinna say which one. What he did say was that if you accept his terms, he will arrive with his men two weeks before midsummer—when the troop ships are expected. At that time, he’ll, ah, inspect your sisters and chose the one he prefers.”
    “Inspect? He’d treat noble ladies like cattle? I’ll cut his balls off before I’ll let him lay a finger on any of my sisters.”
    “‘Inspect’ was his term, Raeb, no mine. I doubt he expects to check their teeth or their soundness.”
    “Aye, if he’s as arrogant as you say, he probably doesna choose his words with care. If all he wants is to meet them and talk with them before proposing, I’ll allow it, but only if my sisters are willing.”
    “So you’re going to ask them, no tell them?”
    “You do understand that MacTavish wants a guarantee of marriage to the sister of his choice before he’ll take one step beyond Argyll?”
    “Aye. But I’ll no force any of my sisters into marriage.” Sorcha had been compelled to wed once and had nearly met with disaster. Raeb thrust a hand through his hair. “I must speak with them and ask if any are willing.”
    “You canna explain why.”
    “Of a certainty I canna. However, I can plead a debt owed that MacTavish is willing to forgive in exchange for a wife. If they press for more than that, I’ll say I promised no to speak of the conditions of the debt. My sisters have honor and will understand keeping a promise.”
    Rhuad shrugged. “’Tis your skin and your sisters.”
    Raeb walked to the door then paused and looked back at Rhuad. “Once I’ve spoken with my siblings, will you carry the message for me to MacTavish?”
    “Since you’ve guaranteed to find me passage to the Isle of Witches, ’tis the least I can do.”
    “Tomorrow morning, I’ll let you know what to tell MacTavish. I want to give my sisters as much time as I can to consider their answers. But for now, ’tis past time I go in search of my betrothed.”
    Rhuad nodded. “Until the morrow.”
    Raeb took the stairs at a much slower pace. Those eighty MacTavish warriors would tip the balance in Scotland’s favor when the battle with Edward’s troops came. But at what cost? He certainly couldn’t order any of his sisters to sacrifice themselves to a man of unknown character. He didn’t even want to ask it of them. An arranged marriage between friendly clans

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