What to Do with a Duke

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Book: What to Do with a Duke by Sally Mackenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sally Mackenzie
    Her eyes widened. “You have a throne?”
    Zeus, she was a confusing mix of worldly-wise and naïve.
    â€œNo, of course I don’t. And I’m coming to Wilkinson’s because that’s what I’m required to do.” He shrugged. “I suppose Miss Dorring took some pleasure in compelling the dukes to dance to her tune.”
    â€œYou are likely correct.”
    They had finally reached the end of the hedgerow. Miss Hutting turned up a walk toward a pleasant, white-walled, thatched house.
    â€œI hope Randolph can see us at once.” She looked back over her shoulder at him. “I assume he’s expecting you?”
    â€œYes. I have forty-eight hours after I receive his letter notifying me that the Spinster House is vacant to present myself at his offices.”
    And once he had done that and handed the keys to the house over to Miss Hutting, he could leave Loves Bridge forever. He and Nate and Alex could head off for the Lake District. Walking the fells without a single annoying woman nearby sounded like heaven right now.
    Miss Hutting’s eyebrows rose. “I still wonder why Isabelle believed the duke and his descendants would follow her instructions—demands, really—since she must have thought your ancestor a complete dastard.”
    â€œTrue. Which is likely why she added another curse. If the duke doesn’t appear within forty-eight hours, he dies.”
    Miss Hutting’s eyebrows shot up to disappear into her hair. “He dies? As in drops dead the moment time runs out?”
    â€œI believe so. No one has been brave enough—or careless enough—to find out for certain. And if the duke is married and his wife increasing, the child dies in the womb.”
    She stared at him as he reached for the door latch. “That’s terrible.” And then she snorted again. “And unbelievable.”
    It did sound ridiculous. He’d laugh at the entire farce if he weren’t the lead actor.
    â€œI’m sorry you feel you must comply with this superstitious humbug,” she said—and then grinned, her green eyes sparkling. “Though I’m delighted to benefit from it.”
    Need slammed into him. He wanted her joy, her excitement.
    She’s so close. If I dip my head, I can brush my lips over her mouth. I can bring her long, lovely body up against—
    Had he really been leaning toward her?
    He jerked his head back.
    The curse was turning his mind. The sooner he was out of Loves Bridge and away from Miss Hutting the better. He’d attend to the Spinster House today and flee to the lakes tomorrow.
    He opened the door, and Miss Hutting hurried inside and out of his reach, thank God.
    â€œJane!” She was almost dancing as she crossed the room. “Do you know what has happened?”
    A pleasant-looking woman with brown hair, pulled back severely from her face, and brown eyes looked up from the papers on her desk and took off her spectacles. “No.” Her gaze moved from Miss Hutting to him. “May I help you, sir?”
    â€œYou don’t know!” Miss Hutting grinned at the woman and then grinned at him. “This is the Duke of Hart, Jane. Your Grace, Miss Wilkinson.”
    He bowed slightly.
    Miss Wilkinson smiled as she stood. “How nice to meet you, Your Grace. What brings you to—” Her face froze, then her eyes widened and her gaze darted back to Miss Hutting.
    If Miss Hutting smiled any more broadly, her face would split in two.
    â€œYes, it’s true, Jane. Can you imagine? Miss Franklin has run off with Mr. Wattles.”
    â€œMr. Wattles?” Miss Wilkinson blinked. “The music teacher?”
    â€œThere’s only one Mr. Wattles in Loves Bridge—or there was only one.” Miss Hutting frowned. “I can’t imagine what Miss Franklin was thinking, giving up her independence for Mr. Wattles”—she shrugged and grinned

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