Forbidden Mate

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Book: Forbidden Mate by Stacey Espino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Espino
time, I saw a
light at the end of the tunnel.”
    “What does this have to do with—” Targus’s words
caught in his throat. Marco wanted to claim his mate. Of all the women in all the world, why her?   Targus laughed out loud. “That’s not possible. You’ve sworn off women.
You tell me that all the time.”
    “If it’s any consolation, I don’t want this. I don’t
know what the fuck I want.”
    Targus couldn’t believe this was happening. He felt
cheated and confused.   “It finally
happened to me, Marco. I can feel the mating call heat my blood, clear my head,
and give me strength. It’s all-consuming, like I can see in full color for the
first time—because of her. Fuck, you’re supposed to be happy for me!”
    “I’d leave, Targus, and you know it. I’d lose my
skin and you’d never see me again.”
    “You know as well as me, it’s impossible to resist
the call.”
    Why would the gods give two friends the same desire
for one woman? It was cruel and unjust. Targus always wanted Marco to find a
new mate, to start over and live life again. It was painful watching him fade
away over the years. But he wanted Helen, and although Targus would have given
anything for his friend’s happiness, he couldn’t hand over his woman. It would
have been kinder to ask for his life.
    “What do you expect me to do?” How could he fight
Marco when he was like a brother? Any other male, he would have torn apart by
    Marco shrugged. “Let her decide.”
    He growled and stormed up the wooden stairs into the
cabin. Un-fucking-believable! He
didn’t like the idea at all, but what choice did he have? Helen was standing
near the far window, looking out into the darkness. She turned around quickly
once she heard the door shut.
    “I’m so sorry, pretty girl. This must be confusing
for you.”
    “Should I leave?”
    He touched her shoulder. “Gods no. I want you to stay, Helen. Give me a chance to fix things.”
    She swallowed hard, continually looking to the floor,
an adorable mix of shyness and nerves.   “Is
Marco okay? He seemed upset.”
    His mood soured. He was torn in two
directions—friendship and love. He couldn’t hand Helen over, but the thought of
Marco suffering because of this was tore him apart on the inside.
    “He’s fine. He just outsi—”
    His friend reentered the house, his heavy footfalls
causing the hardwood to creak with each step.
    “Did she decide?” he asked, joining them by the
window. His voice was harsh and monotone. He obviously had no clue how to woo a
human female.
    “Decide what?”
    Targus’s jaw twitched. He wanted everything to be
perfect for the little human, the perfect courtship. Now it would likely be one
of her worst experiences, especially with Marco not holding back his unrefined personality.
    He smirked, hoping to appeal to her compassion. “Seems we both have eyes for the same woman.”
    She instantly turned a soft shade of pink, her lips
parting slightly. He expected her to slap him in the face before doing the same
to Marco. He could already envision her storming out of the cabin, calling them
perverted freaks as she went.
    Targus held his breath for what seemed like a
lifetime. Her reaction would define the rest of his life. If she refused him,
he knew he’d devote every waking hour to winning her love.
    Marco moved closer, nearly crushing her against the
glass of the oversized window. “Tell me your choice, little one. If you choose
Targus, you’ll never see me again.”
    He felt a twinge in his heart. His best friend would
actually step aside and disappear? Fight the mating call? He was more male than
him because Targus knew he’d be unable to walk away.
    “It’s just a four day tour,” she whispered. “I don’t
know what either of you expect from me.”
    “I can give you everything you need,” said Marco. He
combed his hand into her hair and tugged her head back at an odd angle. Rather
than cry out in pain, she closed her eyes

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