Love Me Or Lose Me

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Book: Love Me Or Lose Me by Rita Sawyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Sawyer
Tags: Romance
    “Because it made me realize just how much of an idiot I am.” He decided to take her smile as a positive sign. “I was trying to prove to my father and uncle that I’m ready to take over the firm if they go through with their plans to retire. I put everything else in my life including our relationship on hold. But every night when I climbed into our bed and wrapped my arms around you, I knew as long as you were there, I could make all the sacrifices. Without you, it just wasn’t worth it.”
    “Your father wants you to take over?”
    “He did, but I turned him down.”
    “I thought that had always been the plan?”
    “I’ve made new plans. I don’t want to end up like him and my uncle. They spent their lives devoted to the firm. It didn’t matter that their marriages fell apart, or that they barely saw their kids. I don’t want that kind of life and I told them so. Neither of them was happy, but given the choices, I think they’ll come around.” If not, that was fine with him.
    “Thomas, I know how much following in your father’s footsteps means to you. I won’t be the one to keep you from achieving your goals.” She tried to get up, but he pulled her back down.
    “Honey, without you, nothing is worth it. I talked to my cousins and told them basically the same thing I told my father. They were all relieved, because none of them want to turn out like my uncle. I think we’ve found a compromise that will suit everyone’s needs. You saved not just me, but all five of us.”
    “But your father—” Thomas covered her mouth with his.
    The kiss was sweet yet filled with passion. She sighed as he eased his mouth from hers. Okay, it sounded more like a whimper, but it still sounded good.
    “Trust me. My father loves me and you enough to see reason in time.”
    “Are you sure?” He could tell from her tone that she wanted to believe him.
    “I’m sure. Just as sure as I am that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He slipped that last bit in hoping to gauge her response.
    Her eyes widened for a second then narrowed. “Was that a proposal? Because if it was, you better try again.”
    “Baby, when I propose I’m going to do it right. I was just letting you know you can run anywhere you want, I’ll just come and get you. I’m not letting go. Do we have an understanding?” He saw the tears in her eyes, and this time he didn’t mind them.
    She nodded. And he leaned in to kiss her sweet lips. She threw her arms around his neck plastering her upper body to his. He wished her little sister wasn’t inside probably listening to everything they were saying. He wanted her so badly he could take her right there.
    She pulled back and looked him in the eyes. “I just want you to know I’m going to say yes, because I’ve decided I’m not giving up on us. Ever.”
    “Deal.” He leaned forward and sealed it with a kiss.

About the Author
    Rita writes contemporary romances of varying heat levels, hopefully all with a hint of humor. She lives in New England with her husband and three kids. 
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If you liked LOVE ME OR L OSE ME you might also enjoy FAL LING HARD AND FAST by Rita Sawyer.
    Chapter One
    Suzie Ricker drove her car into the supermarket’s overcrowded parking lot and instantly wanted to drive right back

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