Deep Fried Homicide (The Donut Shop Mysteries)

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Book: Deep Fried Homicide (The Donut Shop Mysteries) by Jessica Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Beck
contain my grin any longer.  “How’s that working out for you?”
It was touch and go there for a second, but his good humor finally won out.  As Jake slumped back on the couch, he grinned at me.  “You have to at least give me points for trying.”
“What I need to do is swat you with a newspaper,” I said, trying to act sternly but not managing it at all.  “Jake, I know that you hate to be taken care of, but you need to find a way to surrender yourself to it.  I’m here to help you in any way that I can.  Take advantage of that.”
“Suzanne, you know that it’s hard for me,” Jake said softly.
I touched his cheek lightly.  “I’m sure that it is.  Just remember one thing.  I don’t love you any less because you happen to need me right now, okay?”
“Okay,” he said gently.  “I love you, too.”
“There, now isn’t that better?” I asked as I moved both trays into the kitchen.  As I rinsed our dishes and put them in the sink, I called out to him, “Do you have any room left for pie?”
“I’d love some,” he said, “but I might explode if I take another bite.”
“I understand,” I said.  “How about if I give you a rain check?”
“That would be perfect,” he said.  Was his voice a little sleepy as he spoke?  I decided to go ahead and do the dishes while he was resting, and in ten minutes, I had the kitchen in perfect shape again.
I started to say something to him as I walked back out into the living room, but I’m glad that I didn’t.
He was sound asleep again.
I had a dilemma.  Should I wake him so he could move into the bedroom, or just let him sleep where he was?  I was leaning toward letting him sleep when he snored loudly for a second, waking himself up as he did.
“Wow, I’m really wiped.  Would you mind if I went on to bed early tonight?  It’s been a big day.”
I glanced at the clock.  “Are you kidding?  It’s past my bedtime as it is.”
“But you’re not going into work tomorrow, right?” he asked.
“Not a chance.  I’ve got a crack team in place, so why should I?”
“That’s the spirit,” Jake said as he started to stand, but then he fell back onto the couch again.  “How about a little help?”
I helped him up, and he kissed me lightly once he was standing.  “You just did that for a kiss, didn’t you?” I asked him with a smile.
“I really did need the help.  The kiss was just a bonus.”
“For me, too,” I said.  “I laid your pajamas out on the bed.  Do you need any help changing?”
“Thanks, but that’s one of the few things I can do for myself.”
“Okay then.  Holler if you need me.”
“You can count on it,” he said.
I waited five minutes, but when I hadn’t heard from him, I decided to see if he needed a hand after all.
Jake was passed out on the bed, sleeping soundly.  He’d managed to change into his pajamas, but the effort must have worn him out the rest of the way, since he was still on top of the covers.  I took a blanket my grandmother had made and draped it gently over him, being sure not to touch his wounded arm.  He rustled a little, but just for a second, before he went fully back to sleep.
I left his door open so I could hear him if he needed me, and then I made the couch up for my night’s sleep.  It wasn’t as comfortable as my bed, but I’d taken many naps on it over the years, so it was like coming back home again when I settled in.  I’d decided to forgo jammies of my own tonight, content in sleeping in my jeans and T shirt.  It wasn’t the most comfortable way to snooze, but I’d manage somehow.
I was sleeping soundly enough, at least I thought so, when something jarred me awake.  There were voices coming from outside!  Was it a simple shift in the men guarding us, or was something else happening out there?
I decided that since I was already awake, I’d investigate it for myself.  Grabbing my baseball bat from the closet, I looked out the door to see if I could make out

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