Dance Of Desire

Free Dance Of Desire by Sweet and Special Books

Book: Dance Of Desire by Sweet and Special Books Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sweet and Special Books
Tags: Fiction
finally, miraculously, Cassie fainted away.
    ~ ~ ~ ~
    Read the next book by Lily Green:

    If you like this book, you will also like Nightmares and Illusions...

    Cassie’s dreams are horrible nightmares where she is bound and tortured by demon monsters in their hellish dimension, and they want her soul. How long can she hold out? She has no control and can’t reason her way out of their power. She’s weakening with exhaustion, and every good thing that she has is being siphoned away.

    Her girlfriends and neighbors are having exhausting nightmares, too. Isn’t that strange? And who’s the “secret hottie” one girlfriend won’t stop talking about but refuse to name?

    Can a chance meeting with her gorgeous dance partner from the club, Paulo, become more than loving sex? Can he be her refuge and protection against her nightmares?

    Or is this magical man, with the strange and frightening tattoos that resemble much of the monsters in her nightmares, a part of it all?
    Unravel more of this fascinating book, continue reading Nightmares and Illusions...
    ~ ~ ~ ~

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    CASSIE WOKE UP slowly, a dreamy lethargy about her. She pushed the smothering pillow from her face. She was glad to have been able to sleep despite all her apprehensions the night before. She stretched to get the sleep out of her bones.
    Searing, white-hot pain shot through her body.
    “Ow! Fuck! Oww!”
    Every single part of her was painfully sore. She felt banged up, like she’d been tortured.
    All at once, her mind cleared. Everything came into sharp focus. She would’ve shot straight up from bed but she could barely move. She felt heavy, her muscles and bones felt thick and incapable of proper movement. Her sheets felt damp and uncomfortable.
    Gingerly rolling her body to the side, she gradually got herself upright until she was seated on the bed. Every movement hurt. Inch by slow inch, she finally was able to swing her legs and plant her feet on the rug. The familiar texture of it between her toes and under her feet put her at ease.
    It may be an ugly-ass rug but it sure makes me feel at home, she thought.
    As she stood up, her thighs all the way to her ankles felt stiff and strained—it reminded her of the first time she tried to do Cross Fit.
    Rolling her shoulders back was painful, stretching her wrists and arms were painful; so she moved as little as possible.
    However, none of the muscular tenderness she felt had prepared her for what she saw when she turned to make her bed.
    On the bedspread was a large damp spot in the shape of her body that took up the middle of where she had just laid. She stared at it dumbfounded.
    What the hell? Night sweats? I’m decades away from freaking menopause! Was it that hot last night? I could never sweat that much, could I? At least I hope it’s sweat… her thoughts trailed off as she landed on another possible explanation to the unusual wetness on her

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